Home>ASME Standards>ASME A112.19.13 pdf free download

ASME A112.19.13 pdf free download

1.1 Scope
This Standard establishes performance, electrical/elec-tronic conformance,temperature,life cycle,marking,and identification requirements for electrohydraulicwater closets.
The use of alternate materials or methods are permit-ted, provided the proposed material or method complieswith the performance requirements and intent of thisStandard.
1.2 Units of Measurement
Values are stated in U.s. Customary units and theInternational System of Units (SD).The U.s.Customaryunits shall be considered as the standard.
1.3 Reference Standards
The following documents form a part of this Standardto the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indi-cated,the latest issue shall apply.
ANSI Z124.4,Plastic Water Closet Bowls and TanksPublisher: International Association of Plumbing andMechanical Officials, 20001 East Walnut Drive South,Walnut,CA 91789
ASME A112.19.2M,Vitreous China Plumbing FixturesASME A112.19.6,Hydraulic Performance Require-ments for Water Closets and Urinals
Publisher: The American Society of Mechanical Engi-neers,ASME Order Department,22 Law Drive, Box2300,Fairfield,NJ07007
UL62,Flexible Cord and Fixture WireUL 157,Gaskets and Seals
UL 244A-1994,Solid-State Controls for Appliances
UL 746C,Polymeric Materials — Used in ElectricalEquipment Evaluations
uL 778,Motor Operated Water PumpsUL 796,Printed-Wiring Boards
UL 817,Cord Sets and Power-Supply CordsUL 1585,Class 2 and Class 3 Transformers
Publisher: Underwriters Laboratories Inc., 333 PfingstenRoad,Northbrook,IL60062
1.4 Electrohydraulic Water Closet
An electrohydraulic water closet is a siphonic orwash-down water closet as described in ASMEA112.19.2M with a nonmechanical trap seal.The watercloset incorporates electrical motor(s),pump(s),andcontrollers to facilitate the flushing action.
In this Standard,the term waer closet means anelectrohydraulic water closet unless otherwise indicated.
2.1 General
2.1.1 Water closet.The water closet shall conformto the requirements contained in ASME A112.19.2Mor ANSI Z124.4,as appropriate. It shall also meet therequirements of ASME Ai12.19.6.
2.1.2 Electronic and Electrical Components.The electronic and electrical components utilized inthe water closet shall comply with the appropriateUnderwriters Laboratories (UL) standard or portionsthereof as may be indicated in this Standard.
2.2 Pump System
The pump systems of an electrohydraulic water closetshall be tested as a water pump in accordance withUL 778.The applicable sections of UL 778 for compli-ance are:
(a) Construction,sections 1 through 8 and 10through 28;
(b)Performance,sections 29through 35 and 37through 47;
(c) Manufacturing and Production Tests, sections 49and 50;
(d) Rating,section 51;
(e)Markings,sections 48,52,and 53;(Instruction,sections 54 and 55.
2.3 Pump Motor and lmpeller
The pump motor to the pump impeller coupling shallbe nonmechanical and seamless.To minimize electricalhazards,the design shall provide a completely sealed chamber for the motor and electronics without the useof seals or O-rings.
2.4 Pump Housing
Electric motors or pump enclosures shall complywith UL 746C and be plastic rated 94-5v or better asspecified in UL 746C.
2.5 Jet Hose
The pump jet hose, if provided,shall withstand apressure of 25 ± 1 psi (172 土 6.9 kPa) for 60 min.
2.6 Printed Wiring Boards
Wiring boards shall comply with UL 244A-1994,sections 14.1 and 14.2,and UL 796.
2.7 Switches
Switches shall be located in class 2 circuits only.
NOTE: A class 2 circuit is a circuit with an open potcntial of nomore than 30 v rms (42.2 v peak) supplied by either an inherentlylimited class 2 transformer or by a transformer and fixed impedancethat togcthecr comply with all the requiremcnts for inherently limitedclass 2 transformers in UL 1585.
2.8 Electrical Supply Cord
Electrical supply cords shall be provided with 3 ft(0.9 m) minimum, 6 ft (1.8 m) maximum of permanently
attached cord and an attachment plug for connectionto the branch-circuit supply. The cord shall conform
to UL 62 or UL 817.Itshall be marked “WaterResistant” and include an equipment-grounding conduc-tor. Where the electrical supply cord exits the fixture,
the surface shall be smooth,with rounded surfaces orprovided witha grommet. Seals andgaskets shallconform to UL 157.
2.9 Pump Temperature Testing The pump shall be tested as described in para. 2.2(b), section 34 of UL 778, at the maximum duty cycle the pump will allow.
2.10 Wiring Harness Entrance and Location The wiring harness and electrical controls not en- closed in the pump housing shall be located above the flood level rim of the tank or reservoir and above the drains or overflows.
2.11 Life Cycle Test The electrical components and pump shall pass a 75,000 life cycle test. The test shall be performed on the water closet at the maximum cycle rate the electronic controls will allow. Upon completion of the life cycle test, the average volume per flush shall not vary more than 0.15 gal (0.57 L) or 10%, whichever is greater.


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