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ASME QFO-1 pdf free download

4.1 lntroduction
This section covers the process necessary to certifythe fossil combustion operator of a high capacity fossilfuel fired plant in accordance with this Standard.4.2 Application Process
Each applicant for high capacity fossil fuel firedoperator certification shall complete a written applicationon forms which allow for verification that the applicant’seducation and experience meet the requirements outlinedin Section 2.0 of this Standard.
4.2.1 Single Class Designation Application.Individuals desiring certification for a single class desig-nation shall subrmit a Single Class Designation Applica-tion.This application requires the individual to completePart l and one Part 2 examination. Single Class Designa-tion Applications shall provide the following:
(a) Documentation of experience confirming opera-tional knowledge of the equipment for the applied classdesignation. Documentation shall include type and sizeof the applicable equipment;
(b) A brief history of applicable training.
4.2.2 Multiple Class Designation Application.Individuals desiring certification for more than one classdesignation shall submit a Multiple Class DesignationApplication. This application requires the individual tocomplete Part l and more than one Part 2 examination.Multiple Class Designation Applications shall providethe following;
a) Documentation of experience confirming opera-tional knowledge of the equipment for all applicableclass designations. Documentation shall include typeand size of all applicable equipment;
(b) A brief history of all applicable training.
4.2.3 Application for Additional Class Desig-nation.The application for additional class designationshall be completed by the applicant who is currentlycertified in one or more of the class designationsoutlined in para.2.3.A currently certified individualis exempt from retaking Part l of thc cxamination.
The application for additional class designation shallprovide the following:
(a)Documentation of experience confirming opera-tional knowledge of the equipment for the applied classdesignation(s). Documentation shall include types andsizes of the applicable equipment;
(bj A brief history of applicable training.
4.2.4 Application Forms. Application forms forcertification can be obtained from:
QFo Certification Program
ASME Accreditation & CertificationThree Park Avenuc
New York,NY 10016-5990
Upon acceptance of the completed application,ASMEwill notify the applicant of the dates and locations ofscheduled exarninations.
4.3 Operator Certification
A high capacity fossil fuel fired operator certificatewill be issued when the following requirements are met:(a)Certification qualifications for the class designa-tions outlined in para. 2.3;
(b)Successful completion of an operator certificationexamination as outlined in Section 3 of this Standard.
4.3.1 The certificate shall expire five (5) years afterits issue unless renewed.
4.3.2 Each certificate shall contain the followingminimum information:
a)ldentification as a high capacity fossil fuel firedoperator certificate;
(b)Class designation of certification in accordancewith para. 2.3;
fc) Certifed individual’s full name;(d) Effective date of certification;(e) Expiration date of certification;
f) Serial number to assure traceability and accuracy;(g)Signature of a designated ASME representative.
4.4Certificate Transportability
The certificate is transportable and applies only tothe scope of equipment and equipment classificationlisted on the certificate.
4.5 Recertification
4.5.1 The certificate holder shall submit an applica-tion for recertification prior to the expiration of theexisting certification.
4.5.2 A written examination for recertification is notrequired provided the certificate holder submits nota-rized documentation showing they have maintainedexperience in their class designation for a minimumof 3 of the previous 5 years. The certificate holder(s)shall take a written examination for recertification whenthey are unable to document operational expcricnce inthe class designation.
4.5.3 If the recertification experience requirement isnot met, the existing certification will expire.To regaincertification. the individual must complete the require-ments of para. 4.2 of this Standard.


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