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ASME B30.21 pdf free download

ASME B30.21 pdf free download Manually Lever Operated Hoists Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
SECTION 21-0.1:sCOPE OF B30.21
volume B30.21 includes provisions that apply to theconstruction,installation, operation, inspection, andmaintenance of ratchet and pawl and friction brake typemanually lever operated chain, wire rope, and web straphoists used for lifting, pulling, and tensioning applica-tions. (See Figs. 1 through 3.)
The requirements for a hoist that is used for a specialpurpose, such as lifting personnel, or drawing both theload and the hoist up or down the load chain, rope, orweb strap when the hoist is attached to the load,and aspecially insulated hoist used for handling energizedelectrical power lines are not included in this volume.
abnormal operafing condifions: environmental conditionsthat are unfavorable, harmful, or detrimental to or forthe operation of a hoist,such as excessively high or lowambient temperatures,exposure to weather, corrosivefumes, dust laden or moisture laden atmospheres,andhazardous locations.
admiistrative or regulafory authrority: governmentalagency or the employer in the absence of governmentaljurisdiction.
ambienf tensperafure: the temperature of the atmospheresurrounding the hoist.
appointed: assigned specific responsibilities by theemployer or the employer’s representative.
block , load: the assembly of hook or shackle, swivel, bear-ings, sheaves, sprockets, pins, and frame suspended bythe load chain, wire rope, or web strap.This shall includeany appurtenances reeved in the load chain, wire rope,or web strap (see Fig. 4).
brake: a device for retarding and stopping motion of theload (see load controlling meckanism).
chain, load: the load-bearing chain in a hoist.
chain, roller: a series of alternately assembled roller linksand pin links in which the pins articulate inside thebushings and the rollers are free to turn on the bushings.
Pins and bushings are press fit in their respective linkplates (see Fig. 5). Rollerless chain may be provided onsome equipment.
chain,rollerless: a series of alternately assembled rollerlinks and pin links in which the pins articulate insidethe bushings with rollers on the bushings omitted. Pinsand bushings are press fit in their respective link plates.chain, zvelded link: a chain consisting of a series of inter-woven links formed and welded (see Fig. 5).
designated person: a person selected or assigned by theemployer or the employer’s representative as being com-petent to perform specific duties.
drun: the cylindrical member around which the wirerope or web strap is wound for lifting and loweringthe load.
exposed: applies to hazardous objects not guarded orisolated (capable of being contacted inadvertently).friction brake: see load confrolling mechanismr.
guide, chain: a means to guide the load chain at the loadsprocket.
guide, web strap: a means to guide the web strap at theload sprocket (drum) (see Fig. 6).
gwide, wvire rope: a means to guide the wire rope at theload sprocket (drum)[see Fig.7, sketch (b)].
hazardous (classified) locations: locations where fire orexplosion hazards may exist. Locations are classifiedaccording to the properties of the flammable vapors,liquids. gases,or combustible dust or fibers that maybe present, and the likelihood that a flammable or com-bustible concentration or quantity is present (see ANSI/NFPA 70).
headroom (closed height): the distance between the saddleof the suspension hook and the saddle of the load hookwhen the load block is in its fully retracted position(upper limit of travel)(see Fig. 4).
hoist , lever operated: a lever operated manual device usedto lift,lower, or pull a load and to apply or releasetension.


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