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ASME 30.1 pdf free download

ASME 30.1 pdf free download ACKS
Section 1-0.1:Scope of B30.1
within the general scope defined in Section l of thelntroduction,B30.1 applies to general purpose,portablejacks of the fol lowing catcgories: hand- or power-operaled hydraulic jacks,rmechanical ratchen jacks.andhand- or power-operated mechanical screw jacks.Jacks dcsigned for auomotive service.trip-loweredijacks_ and thosethatare an integral part of otherequipment are not included in the seope of this Standard.Devices designed for static suppost rather than liftingare not included.
1-0.1.1 lustrations. Figures i through 7, on thepages that follow, show typical jacks covered by thisS tandard. They are not intended to be all inclusive.
Section 1-0.Z: Definitions
agpgoaPirateadsassigned spccific responsibilities by thccmploycr or the employer’s representative.
asstheorized senviee certer;an indepencent service fa-cility dcsignated by thc manufacturer to repair and testjacks of their manufactu re
ceoriiraolled uerrddetierEs:where the jack is evemly sup-portcd on a solid foundation.opcrating a gravity loadlonly.praleeted against windl and other external forcessuch as shock loads or vibrations.and at an ambientcmperature range of -20°Fto 140°F (-29-C to 60C).
ceowutrol pparts:parts which the operator must manipu-ate in extending or retracting the jimck .
esignicated persc两说:a peIson selected or assigned byhe cmployer or the emnployer’s represcntative as beingconpetcntto perform specific duties.
e版FendeP:a device thar increases the jack ‘s closedlength.
jack:a portable hand- or power-operated mechanismwith a base and load point designed for controlledlinear movement.
jack, deuble-ac-ting hydraulic:a jack which is ex-tended and retracted under hydraulic pressure.
jack, hydraulic: a jack using liquid to move the load.jack, mechanical:a jack using any means othcr thanfluid to move the load.
load:the total superimposed weight or force to beovercome by the jack.
load point:the point of load application.
load poinr, auxiliary:any point of load applicationother than the load point.
load point. irtegral auxiliary:any nonremovable pointof load application other than the load point.
load rating. auxiliary: rated load of the jack,asdetermined by the manufacturer,when load is appliedat the auxiliary load point.
overload:any load greater than the rated load.
overtravel:movement beyond maximum travel forwhich the jack was designed.
power:any means other than manual of actuatinga jack.
qualified persen:a person who.by possession of arecognized degree in an applicable field. or certificate ofprofessional standing. or who, by extensive knowledge.training. and experience, has successfully demonstratedthe ability to solve or resolve problems relating to thesubject matter and work.
rated load (hydraulic jacks):maximum load. appliedat a specified point. for which the jack is designedand built by a manufacturer for its specified travel.


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