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ASME SB108 pdf free download

3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 permanent mold casting – a metal object pro-duced by introducing molten metal by gravity or low pres-sure into a mold constructed of durable material, usuallyiron or steel,and allowing it to solidify.
3.1.2 seni-permanent mold casting – a permanentmold casting which is made using an expendable core suchas sand.
4.Ordering Information
4.1Orders for material under this specification shallinclude the following information:
4.1.1 This specification designation (which includesthe number, the year, and the revision letter, if applicable),
4.1.2Alloy (see Section 7 and Table 1),
4.1.3Temper (See Section 11 and Table 2),4.1.4 Applicable drawing or part number,4.1.5The quantity in either pieces or pounds,4.2Additionally, orders for material to this specifica-tion shall include the following information when requiredby the purchaser:
4.2.1Whether yield strength tests are required (see11.1 and Table 2,Footnote F).
4.2.2 Whether castings or test bars,or both,are tobe artificially aged for alloys 705.0-T5,707.0-T5,and713.0-T5 (see 1i.3),
4.2.3 Whether test specimens cut from castings arerequired in addition to or instead of separately cast speci-mens (see Sections 11 and 15, and 13.2),
4.2.4Whether repairs are permissible (see Section18),
4.2.5 Whether inspection is required at the produc-er’s works (see Section 19),
4.2.6Certification is required (see Section 23),4.2.7 Whether surface requirements will be checkedvisually or by observational standards where such stan-dards are established (see 20.1),
4.2.8 Whether liquid penetrant inspection is required(see 20.2),
4.2.9Whether radiographic inspection is required(see 20.3),
4.2.10 Whether foundry control is required (see10.2),and
4.2.11Whether the material shall be packaged, ormarked, or both, in accordance with Practices B 660,MIL-STD-129,and Fed. Std. No.123 (see 24.4).
5.1 Unless otherwise specified in the contract or pur-chase order, the producer shall be responsible for the per-
herein. Unless otherwions and test requirements rs theper-use his own or any other suitable facilities for the perform-
ance of the inspection and test requirements specifiedherein.The purchaser shall have the right to perform anyof the inspections and tests set forth in the specificationwhere such inspections are deemed necessary to confirmthat material conforms to prescribed requirements.
6. Materials and Manufacture
6.1The responsibility of furnishing castings that canbe laid out and machined to the finished dimensions withinthe permissible variations specified, as shown on the blue-prints or drawings,shall rest with the producer.exceptwhere mold equipment is furnished by the purchaser.
7. Chemical Composition
7.1 The castings shall conform to the chemical compo-sition limits prescribed in Table 1.Conformance shall bedetermined by the producer by analyzing samples at thetime the castings are poured, or samples taken from castingsor tension test specimens representative of the castings. Ifthe producer has determined the chemical composition ofthe material during the course of manufacture, he shall notbe required to sample and analyze the finished product.
8.Sampling for Determination of Chemical
8.1A sample for determination of chemical composi-tion shall be taken to represent one of the following:
8.1.1Not more than 4000 lb (1814 kg) of cleancastings (gates and risers removedy or a single castingpoured from one furnace.
8.1.2 The castings poured continuously from onefurnace in not more than eight consecutive hours.
8.2 Samples for determination of chemical compositionshall be taken in accordance with one of the followingmethods:
8.2.1 Samples for Chemical Analysis -Samples forchemical analysis shall be taken by sawing,drilling,ormilling the casting or test specimens in such a manner asto be representative of the material (Practice E 88).Theweight of a prepared sample shall not be less than 75 g.
8.2.2 Sanmples for Spectrochernical and Other Meth-ods of Analysis —Samples for spectrochemical analysisshall be taken in accordance with Practices E 716.Samples


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