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ASME SA268 pdf free download

under this specification. Such requirements may include,but are not limited to, the following:
4.1.1 Quantity (feet,metres, or number of lengths),4.1.2 Name of material (seamless or welded tubes),4.1.3 Grade (Table 1),
4.1.4 Size (outside diameter and nominal wallthickness).
4.1.5 Length (specific or random).
4.1.6Optional requirements (hydrostatic or nonde-structive electric test,Section 16),
4.1.7Test report required (Certification Section ofSpecification A 10i6iA 1016M).
4.1.8Specification designation,
4.1.9 Intergranular corrosion test, and4.1.10Special requiremcnts.
5.General Requirements
5.1 Material furnished under this speeification shallconform to the applicable requirements of SpecificationA 1016/A 1016M unless otherwise provided herein.
6. Manufacture
6.1The tubes shall be made by the seamless or weldedprocess with no filler metal added.
7.Heat ‘Treatment
7.1 As a final heat trcatmcnt,tubes shall be reheatedto a temperature of 1200F[650 C] or higher and cooled(as appropriate for the grade) to meet the requirements ofthis specification.
7.2The martensitic grade UNS S41500 shall bereheated to a temperature of 950°F[510C]or higher andcooled as appropriate to meet the requirements of thisspecification.
8.Chemical Composition
8.1 The steel shall conform to the chemical require-ments prescribed in Table 1.
9. Product Analysis
9.1An analysis of either one billet or one length offlatrolled stock or one tube shall be made from each heat.The chemical composition thus determined shall conformto the requirements specified.
9.2The product analysis tolerance of the ChemicalRequirements Tablc of A 480/A 480M shall apply. The product analysis tolerance is not applicable to the carboncontent for material with a specifiod maximum carbon of0.04% or less.
9.3 If the original test for product analysis fails. retestsof two additional billets.lengths of flat-rolled stock ortubes shall be madc. Both retests for the elemcnts in ques-tion shall meet the requirements of the specification; other-wise all remaining material in the heat or lot shall berejected or,,at the option of the producer,each billet ortube may be individually tested for acceptance. Billets,lengths of flat-rolled stock or tubes which do not meet therequirements of the specification shall be rejected.
10.Tensile Requirements
10.1The materiall shall conform to the tensile propertiesprescribed in Tables 3 and 4.
11.Hardness Requirements
11.1The tubes shall have a hardness number not toexceed those prescribed in Table 5.
12. Permissible Variations in Dimensions
12.1 Variations in outside diamctcr, wall thickness, andlength from those specified shall not exceed the amountsprescribed in Table 6.
12.2 Thc permissiblc variations in outside diametergiven in Table 6 are not sufficient to provide for ovalityin thin-walled tubes, as defined in the Table.In such tubes,the maximum and minimum diametcrs at any cross scctionshall deviate from the nominal diameter by no more thantwice the permissible variation in outside diameter givenin Table 6; however, the mean diameter at that cross sectionmust still be within the given permissible variation.
12.3when the specified wall is 2%o or less of thespecified outside diamcter, the method of mcasurement isin accordance with the agreement between the purchaserand the manufacturer (see Note l).
NOTE 1— Very thin wall tubing may not be stiff enough for the outsidediameter to be accuraiely measured with a point contacU test methodl.such as with the use of a micrometer or caliper. When very thin wallsare specined,””go” -“no go” ring gages are commonly used to measurediamelers af l in.[38.l mmm] ar less.A0.I0O02 in.[0.05 man] acldlitionailtolerance is usually added on the “go” ring guge to aliovw elearance forsliding.On larger diamcters.measurement is commonly performed witha p tape. Other nesat mmethuls such as optical test methocls may alsoa beconsidered.
13.Surface Condition
13.1All tubes shall be free of excessive mill scale,stuitable for inspection.A slight amount of oxidation will


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