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ASME A18.1 pdf free download

ASME A18.1 pdf free download Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts
lever hydraulic driving machine: a hydraulic machine inwhich the plunger or cylinder is attached to the platformvia levers.
lever screw driving machine: a screw machine in which thescrew or nut is attached to the platform via levers-ift personnel: persons who have been trained in theconstruction, maintenance, repair. inspection, or testingof the lift.
listed: equipment or materials included in a list publishedby an independent certifying organization concerned withproduct evaluation that maintains periodic inspection ofproduction of listed equipment or materials and whoselisting states whether that equipment or materialmeets appropriate standards or has been tested andfound suitable for use in a specified manner.
machine, driving: the power unit that applies the energynecessary to raise and lower equipment covered by thescope of this Standard.
belt-drive machine: an indirect-drive machine equippedwith a belt system as the connecting means.
chain-ddrive machine: an indirect-drive machine with achain system as the connecting means.
direct-drive machine: an electric driving machine, themotor of which is directly connected mechanically tothe driving sheave, drum,or shaft without the use ofbelts or chains,either with or without intermediate gears.direct-plunger driving machine: a hydraulic drivingmachine in which the plunger or cylinder is directlyattached to the platform.
electric driving machine: a driving machine where theenergy is applied by an electric motor. It includes themotor,brake, and the driving sheave or drum togetherwith its connecting gearing, belt, or chain, if any.
friction machine: a direct-drive machine in which themotion of the platform is obtained through frictionbetween a guiding means and driving wheels or rollers.
geared-drive machine: a direct-drive machine in whichthe energy is transmitted from the motor to the drivingsheave, drum,or shaft through gearing.
geared-traction machine: a geared-drive tractionmachine.
gearless-traction machine: a traction machine, withoutintermediate gearing that has the traction sheave and thebrake drum mounted directly on the motor shaft.
hydraulic driving machine: one in which the energy isapplied by means of a liquid under pressure in a cylinderequipped with a plunger or piston.
indirect-drive machine: an electric driving machine, themotor of which is connected indirectly to the drivingsheave, drum, gear reducer.or shaft by means of a beltdrive or chain drive.
rack-and-pinion driving machine: an electric drivingmachine in which the motion of the platform lift orstairway chairlift is obtained by powwer-driven rotating
pinion(s] mounted on the platform, traveling on astationary rack mounted in the runway.
rope sprocket drive: a driving means consisting of wirerope with fixed links at constant intervals throughout itslength. The links engage in slots on a grooved drive cog toprovide a positive drive force.
roped-hydraulic driving machine: a hydraulic drivingmachine in which the plunger or piston is connectedto the platform with wire ropes or indirectly coupledto the platform by means of wire ropes and sheaves.Itincludes the cylinder, the plunger or piston, and multi-plying sheaves, if any, and their guides.
screw machineran electricdriving machine,the motor ofwhich drives a nut on a screw or rotates a screw to raise orlower a platform lift or stairway chairlift.
traction machine: a direct-drive machine in which themotion of a platform is obtained through traction betweenthe suspension ropes and a traction sheave.
winding drum machine: a geared-drive machine inwhich the suspension ropes are fastened to and windon a drum.
worm-geared machinre: a direct-drive machine in whichthe energy from the motor is transmitted to the drivingsheave or drum through worm gearing-
main floor: the floor providing normal egress from abuilding.
maintenance: a process of routine examination, lubrica-tion,cleaning, adjustment and replacement of parts forthe purpose of ensuring performance in accordancewith the applicable Standard requirements.
masonry: built-up construction or combination of buildingunits or materials of clay, shale,concrete. glass, gypsum.stone, or other approved units bonded together withmortar or monolithic concrete. Reinforced concrete isnot classed as masonry.
operating device: the switch, push-button, lever, or otherdevice used to actuate the control.
operation: the method of actuating the control.
operation, continuous-pressure: operation by means ofbuttons or switches on the platform lift or stairway chair-lift and on the platform, any one of which may be used tocontrol the movement of the platform lift as long as thebutton or switch is manually maintained in the actuatingposition.
overhead structure: all of the structural memberssupporting the machinery, sheaves, and equipment atthe top of the runway.
penetrate a floor: pass through or pierce a floor in such away that the opening has a continuous perimeter and isprovided only to allow the equipment to pass through thefloor.
performance area: a raisecd, fixed platform in an assemblyarea used to provide clear sight lines for the audience tosee and hear activities (examples include areas used for


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