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ASME 14414 pdf free download

ASME 14414 pdf free download Pump system energy assessment
All data initially identified as essential to the assessment shall be obtained in discussions with knowledgeable facility staff.
4.6The overall objectives and scope of the assessment including portion(s) of the facility and boundaries of the system(s) that are to be assessed shall be discussed and agreed upon at an early stage by the assessment team. The assessment team shall develop a list of site specific objectives for each pumping system, such as performance improvement targets.
4.7 Action plan
4.7.1 General An action plan for the assessment shall be developed and agreed upon by the assessment team and system owners in order to facilitate the assessment and to make it clear to all assessment team members how the assessment shall be conducted. The plan shall be flexible and should accommodate various outcomes depending on findings during the assessment, among others:
a) establish information objectives, in particular:
— determine system boundaries (see 5.4);
— review information that has been collected before the start of the assessment;
— identify how much is known about the systems and what information has to be obtained;
— start with a level 1 assessment (see 5.1.2);
b) identify informational objectives for the assessment (see 5.1):
— determine how extensive the assessment is;
— identify the systems that are included in the assessment;
— identify what information is available and what is necessary to collect;
— identify information that is available on paper records (such as logs) or in the facility computer
systems and what system parameters are necessary to measure;
— identify who is going to be involved and responsible for the collection of necessary data;
c) establish measurement requirements (see 5.6) in particular:
— identify whether a snapshot of the conditions is sufficient (level 2 according to Table 1) or if it is
necessary to collect information during an extended period of time (level 3 according to Table 2);
— identify if permanently installed measurement equipment is available and trustworthy;
d) identify additional informational objectives and in particular true process demands (see 5.4);
e) identify the methods required to meet assessment informational objectives:
— identify how the data are going to be analysed, taking into account the recommendations from Annex B;
— identify tools/software programs that are going to be used;
f)identify content of the report and responsibilities.4.7.2Assessment scheduling
The dates of the assessment, and dates and times of key meetings shall be designated in advance ofbeginning the assessment.
The assessment meetings shall include:
kick-off meeting. t shall occur just prior to the commencement of the assessment. The purpose ofthis meeting is to review information to be collected in the initial data collection and evaluation(see 4.8) and establish the work schedule.At this meeting, the assessment team should discuss thesafety protocols, tools, methods, measurement, metering and diagnostic equipment required;
daily schedule(s) for the on-site assessment;
periodic reporting to facility managers in the form of debriefings should occur as agreed-upon bythe assessment team;
wrap-up meeting at the conclusion of the onsite activities. lt is designed to outline the assessmentinvestigations and initial recommendations (see 5.8].
The assessment team shall determine corrective courses of action for irregularities that may or do occurduring an assessment (e.g. the failure of a computerized records system).
4.Initial Data Collection and Evaluation
4.8.1 General
Before the start of the assessment, the initial data collection shall be made. To expedite the process,precollection data are optional.
NOTE This information is used in all assessment phases.4.8.2 Initial facility specialist interviews
The assessment team shall collect information on operating practices and any specific operatingconsiderations that affect energy use for the equipment through contact with personnel and specialists.The assessment team shall also have access to facilities personnel who understand connected systemsthat will be influenced by changes made to the pumping system.
4.8.3 Energy project history
The assessment team shall collect and review information on energy saving projects, assessments,audits, baselines, or benchmarking already conducted for the pumping systems being assessed.
4.8.4 Energy cost
The assessment team shall collect cost data including electricity cost per kWh, or other similar terms,considering all charges such as demand charges, peak rates, time-of-the-day rate and any other costs upto the point of use.Where necessary,appropriate costs should be assigned to onsite generated electricity.These costs should be used in subsequent analyses.If electricity is generated on site the avoided cost orpotential sales cost of the energy should be used.


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