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ASME RT-2 pdf free download

ASME RT-2 pdf free download Safety Standard for Structural Requirements for Heavy Rail Transit Vehicles
ultimate strength: the maximum load-carrying capability ofa structure, fora load applied ata specified location and direction. For further deformation of the structure, the load capable of being supported will be less than this maximum load. vehicle: see heavy rail transit vehicle. vehicle vertical loads:
(a) ready-to-run load: the weight of a vehicle that is service ready with all mounted components, including full operating reserves of lubricants, windshield fluid, etc., but without any crew or passenger load.
(b) seatedload: ready-to-run load plus the crewand all passenger seats occupied with average weightper person of 79.5 kg (175 lb).
(c) carbody volume capacity load: a seated load plus all available standee areas occupied with a standee density thatresults inafloorpressure of488.4kg/m 2 (100 lb/ft 2 ). NOTE: An alternate occupantweightbased upon specific service conditions, such as service to airports and use ofluggage racks, may be specified. yield strength: the stress published by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) for the specified mate- rial and grade. If the material used is not covered by an ASTM specification, or another specification, the minimum yield strength for design shall be as guaranteed by the material supplier.
3 INTEROPERABILITY This section covers geometric compatibility considera- tions for collisions between vehicles of different design operatingonthesame routes ofthe subjecttransitsystem.
3.1 Anticlimber and Coupler Interface Each heavyrail transitvehicle shall incorporate an anti- climberateachendofthevehicle. Theheightanddesignof theanticlimberandcoupleronnewheavyrailtransitvehi- cles shall be compatible with existing heavy rail transit vehicles that are operated on the same routes of the subject transit system. The anticlimber shall be designed for engagement between vehicles to mitigate override or telescopingin a collision, including any condition offailed ordeflatedsuspensionelements. Inthe eventofacollision with another rail vehicle, the coupler system shall include a feature thatwill permitengagementofanticlimbers. See section 6 for additional requirements. Design of the vehicle leading end structure shall not interfere with proper engagement or operation of the vehicle anticli- mber system. Geometric compatibility does not mandate coupling between vehicles of different designs.
3.2 Multiple Unit Operation All combinations of vehicles to be operated within a trainshall be considered inassessingthe effectofmultiple unit operation in a collision.
Thecarbodyshallwithstandthemaximumloadsconsis- tent with the operational requirements and achieve the required service life under normal operating conditions. The carbody and vehicle design shall be based on the design load requirements specified in section 5. The capability of the structure to meet these requirements shall be demonstrated by calculation and/or appropriate proof of design testing. The strength of connections between structural members for all structural loading requirements outlined inTable4-1 shallexceedtheultimate load-carryingcapacityoftheweakestmemberjoined. Fortheseloadcases, the ultimate load-carrying capacity is defined by applying the load at the location and in the direction specified in Table 4-1 butincreased in magnitude to the maximum load that can be resisted by the structure, as determined by obser- ving that further increase in deflections will result in a decrease in the load capable ofbeing carried by the structure. References to sheathing in Table 4-1 refer only to structurally related (load-carrying) sheathing.
4.1 Welding Design ofwelded structures shall be in accordance with AWS D15.1, AWS D1.1/D1.1M for steel, and AWS D1.2/ D1.2M for aluminum or equivalent.
4.2 Articulation An articulation, ifused, shall include structure to meet the requirements of section 5.
4.3 Design Parameter Tolerance The allowable stresses for the loads specified in section 5 shall consider the limiting cases ofdimensional tolerances, manufacturing processes, workmanship, and other manufacturing effects.
4.4 Demonstration of Strength and Structural Stability It shall be demonstrated by analysis (section 9) and/or tests (section 10) that the requirements of section 5 are achieved.
carbody when the vehicle is raised unless first intention- ally detached. The ultimate strength of the attachment mechanism in the horizontal plane (ultimate horizontal strength) shall be as specified to secure the entire truckto the carbodyduringcollisions atanypossible posi- tion ofthe truckinits vertical suspension travel. This shall include the condition of the vehicle raised off the track with the truck hanging from the vehicle and shall not depend upon external vertical constraints nor upon bolster anchor rods.


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