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ASME Y14.1M pdf free download

ASME Y14.1M pdf free download Metric Drawing Sheet Size and Format Engineering Drawing and Related Documentation Practices
1.3.2 Cross-Reference of Standards. Cross-referenceof standards in text with or without a date followingthe standard identity is interpreted as follows:
a) Reference to other ASME Y14 series standards inthe text without a date following the standard identityindicates the issue of the standard as identified in theReference section shall be used to meet the requirement.(b)Reference to other ASME Y14 series standards inthe text with a date following the standard identityindicates that only that issue of the standard shall beused to meet the requirement.
1.3.3 Invocation of Referenced Standards. The fol-lowing examples define the invocation of a standardwhen specified in the References section and referencedin the text of this Standard:
(a) When the text states “dimensioning and toleranc-ing shall be in accordance with ASME Y14.5-2009,” withno limitations to a specific subject or area of theStandard,the entire text of ASME Y14.5-2009 is invoked.(b) When the text states “assign part or identifyingnumbers in accordance with ASME Y14.100-20Xx,” onlythe paragraph requirements on part or identifying num-ber assignment in ASME Y14.100-20XX are invoked.c) When the text states “for gaging principles,seeASME Y14.43,” the text provides a cross-reference ofwhere to find guidance for dimensioning and toleranc-ing for gages and fixtures,and no portion ofASME Y14.43 is invoked.
1.3.4 Parentheses Following a Definition. When adefinition is followed by a standard referenced in paren-theses,the standard referenced in parentheses is thecontrolling standard for the definition.
1.3.5 Notes. Notes depicted in this Standard inALL UPPERCASE letters are intended to reflect actualdrawing entries. Notes depicted in initial Uppercase orlowercase letters are to be considered supporting datato the contents of this Standard and are not intendedfor literal entry on drawings. A statement requiring theaddition of a note with the qualifier “such as” is arequirement to add a note, and the content of the textis allowed to vary to suit the application.
1.3.6 Acronyms and Abbreviations. Acronyms andabbreviations are spelled out the first time used in this
Standard, followed by the acronym or abbreviation inparentheses. The acronym or abbreviation is used there-after throughout the text.
1.3.7 Units. All dimensions used in this Standardare in millimeters.
1.3.8 Figures.The figures in this Standard areintended only as illustrations to aid the user in under-standing the practices described in the text. In somecases, figures show a level of detail as needed for empha-sis. In other cases,figures are incomplete by intent soas to illustrate a concept or facet thereof. The absenceof figure(s) has no bearing on the applicability of thestated requirements or practice. To assist the user of thisStandard,a listing of the paragraph(s) that refer to anillustration appears in the lower right-hand corner ofeach figure. This listing may not be all-inclusive. Theabsence of a listing is not a reason to assume inapplica-
bility. When the letter “h” is used in figures for letterheights or for symbol proportions, select the applicableletter height in accordance with ASME Y14.2.
1.3.9 Precedence of Standards.The following areY14 standards that are basic engineering drawingstandards:
ASME Y14.1
Drawing Sheet Size and Format
Metric Drawing Sheet Size andFormat
ASME Y14.2
Line Conventions and Lettering
ASME Y14.3
Orthographic and Pictorial Views
ASME Y14.5
Dimensioning and Tolerancing
ASME Y14.24
Types and Applications ofEngineering Drawings
ASME Y14.34
Associated Lists
ASME Y14.35M Drawing RevisionsASME Y14.36
Surface Texture Symbols
ASME Y14.38
ASME Y14.41
Digital Product Definition DataPractices
ASME Y14.100
Engineering Drawing Practices
All other ASME Y14 standards are considered special-ity types of standards and contain additional require-ments or make exceptions to the basic standards asrequired to support a process or type of drawing.
1.3.10 Unless otherwise Specified (uos).The
phrase “unless otherwise specified”or UOs isused teindicate a default requirement.The phrase is used when
the default is a generally applied requirement and theexception can be clarified by providing a reference toanother document or requirement.


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