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ASME TES-1 pdf free download

ASME TES-1 pdf free download Safety Standard for Thermal Energy Storage Systems: Molten Salt
(d) general design requirements
e] specific design requirements (e.g.. designtemperature, heat rate, thermal cycles)
material requirements
lg) salt specification
Step 2. ldentify and consider environmental and rele-vant site-related issues associated with the proposedproject.
step 3. Conduct hazard analysis, such as failure modesand effects analysis (FMEA), hazards and operability study
(HAZOP), or hazard mitigation analysis (HMA).
step 4. Prepare a project-specific safety-basis docu-ment that defines the safety analysis and hazard mitiga-tion controls intended to ensure that the molten salt TESsystem can be operated in a manner that protects workers,the public, and the environment.
Step 5. ldentify and comply with laws, rules,and regu-lations applicable to the project site and the proposedproject.
Step 6. Preliminarily develop a commissioning plan asdescribed in para.5.2,an operations and maintenancemanual as described in para.6.3,and an emergencyresponse plan as described in para.5.2.4.
step 7.Provide means to contain any possible leaksfrom the system.
4.2 Design
Molten salt TES systems shall be designed in accordancewith the provisions of this Standard.The design of thesystem shall also comply with the instructions provided
by the manufacturer of the equipment, controls,and othercomponents comprising the system.Any change in design
requirements or material substitutions by the manufac-
turer shall be approved by the designer.
4.2.1 General
(a) The system shall be designed to withstand thespecified temperature and pressure conditions of themolten salt.
(b] Systems employing nitrate salts that may exceed450℃ (842°F) shall be designed to safely manage vapor-ization of the salt and production of oxygen and Nox gasfrom salt decomposition.
(c) The system shall be designed to take into consid-eration the quality and level of impurity of the molten saltand any possible contaminants that could be introducedinto the molten salt.
(dy The system shall be designed to relieve excessiveinternal pressure caused by accidental steam flashing orchemical reactions of the nitrate molten salt system.
(e) The system shall be designed to safely contain orrelieve pressures where there is a possibility that the saltsand the heat transfer fluids can be mixed.
4.2.2 Signs and Labeling. All equipment shall belabeled and signage shall be provided in accordancewith ASME A13.1 or in accordance with local regulations.(a) Molten salt storage tanks shall be marked to iden-tify the
1) associated hazards in accordance with NFPA704(2) tank number
3)type of molten salt
(4) maximum allowable amount of salt in the tank byweight
(5) maximum operating pressure and temperature(bj All heat exchangers shall have signs indicating themaximum operating temperature of the heat exchanger inaccordance with the standard to which it is manufactured.Signage shall include the chemical formula or types ofsalt(s) that are suitable for use in the system.
(c) All system components with a heat tracing systemshall have labels indicating the presence of heat tracing.The heat trace itself shall include a permanent markingindicating its maximum operating temperature. Claddingshall be marked with the heat trace manufacturer’swarning label indicating that the equipment is heattraced. Stainless steel tags shall be affixed to all heattrace elements indicating circuit information.
4.2.3 Storage Tank Systems Tank Requirements. The minimum require-ments for the design, construction, installation, commis-sioning. inspection,and decommissioning of molten saltstorage tanks are provided herein. These requirementsshall also apply to piping connected internally or exter-nally to the roof, shell, or bottom of the tank up to the faceof the first flange of bolted connections,the first threadedjoint on threaded pipe connections,and the first circum-ferential joint in welding-end pipe connections that arenot welded to a flange.
Compliance with the following requirements shall bethe responsibility of the tank designer:
(a) Tanks shall be made of metal of welded construc-tion.
(b) Tanks shall be designed for an internal pressure notexceeding 103 kPa (15 psi) in the tank or portions of thetank enclosing gas or vapor.
(c] Tanks shall be freestanding with fixed roofs.(d) Tanks shall be designed in anticipation of corrosionproblems during the life of the TES system and in accor-dance with the applicable requirements of API STD 620 orAPI STD 650, subject to the modifications and limitationsregarding high temperatures in this Standard.
(e) Tanks shall be evaluated for thermal stress withconsideration for the start-up procedure (preheating ofthe tank), the initial filling of the tank,temperature strat-ification limits and other temperature conditions, and thefrictionalresistance between the tank bottom andthe tankfoundation associated with radial thermal expansion.


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