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ASME RAM-2 pdf free download

ASME RAM-2 pdf free download Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Program Development Process for Existing Power Plants
A reliability , availability, and maintainability (RAM)program is a structured way to identify and deliver theRAM requirements of a power plantin the most cost-effec-tive manner.This Standard provides guidance for theprogram implementation portion of the RAM processdescribed in ASME RAM-1.It is intended to implementa comprehensive availability assurance program. ThisStandard is intended for existing facilities.
This Standard amplifies and clarifies the requirementsof ASME RAM-1 for implementing a RAM program for apower-generation facility.This Standard assists in devel-oping program goals, identifying a master equipment list(MEL) to load into the enterprise asset managementsystem (EAMS),and populating scheduling systemswith finished content as complete work orders that areready to perform work.A RAM program includes hierarch-ical breakdown of the facility, tagging of equipment (i.e.,components),risk categorization of systems and equip-ment tags, development of common standards for compo-nents, and customization for similar context locations inthe plant. This Standard finalizes work organization astask lists in work orders,routes, and rounds.It providesa process to implement ASME RAM-1 based on termi-nology and methodology used in power plants.
This Standard addresses the following:
(a) equipment assessment for risk(b) asset tagging
(c) template selection and application
(d) equipment asset management software
(e) development and organization of work (e.g., devel-opment of operating procedures, rounds, and workorders)
RAM program plans
lg) training required to implement the program3 PURPOSE
The purpose of this Standard is to provide informationto enable plant personnel to develop an effective RAMprocess in accordance with ASME RAM-1.An effectiveRAM program ensures that critical plant equipmentperforms cost-effectively as intended by design. ThisStandard provides an all-encompassing RAM support
process that develops simple, clearly worded RAManalysis in accordance with ASME RAM-1.
The following is a list of terms relating to the implemen-tation and use of RAM programs:
age exploration: systematic examination of the lifetime acomponent or part can support in an application in-service.
coding scheme: an often mnemonic scheme that assignsequipment codes or tags; the scheme usually embedsthe plant, unit, system, component type, numberedsequence of the component and higher-tier equipmentof which the component is a part (system), subsystem,and perhaps additional information. Each plant requiresa common coding scheme.
complex equipment:
(a) equipment that displays many unique combina-tions of parts, failure modes,and failure causes, noneof which is predominant in failure of its functions.
(b) equipment that displays random failure patternsin-service. See also simple equipment.
contextual risk map: a map of all master equipment list(MEL) component tag information, customized withcomponent risk information.
critical: likely to cause functional failure directly; failing ahigh-level performance goal in single fault.
custom template: an application of a standard templatebased upon one context, e.g., a standard template main-tenance plan customized for one location. See standardtemplate.
direct failure criteria: criteria limiting criticality risk clas-sification to the failures that, with only a single occurrence,have the ability to affect operating goals.This criteriafocuses scheduled maintenance resources and effortswhere they will do the most good.
diversity: the use of different methods to achieve func-tional but not exact physical redundancy within a RAMprogram.
dominant failure mode (DFM): a likely failure mode of acomponent or part; it is considered in the design of thecomponent or part and addressed in the maintenanceplan.


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