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ASME QPS pdf free download

ASME QPS pdf free download Quality Program for Suppliers: General Industry
The following are terms and definitions used in this Standard.
annual: a 12-month period in which an event is to occur in the same month for each successive year.The specific monthcompleting the 12-month cycle and identified as “month 12″ is initially established and identified under the CertificateHolder’s quality program.Other than the number of days in a given month,there is no allowance for a grace period unlessspecifically permitted under ASME QPs.
authorized personnel: as documented within the Certificate Holder’s quality program, identified personnel or role titlesgiven specific authorization to perform a specific activity, function, process, or special process.
customer agreement: a document, inclusive ofany amendments, annexes,or attachments, that is issued by the customer tothe Certificate Holder and specifies a product, including its technical and quality requirements; may also be known as a”contract” or “customer purchase order.”
Certificate Holder: an organization having or renewing a QPS Certificate issued by ASME, or an organization operatingunder a QPS Certificate issued by ASME.
competency examination: a written or practical test, or a combination of both, administered to determine an individual’sknowledge and competence.
competency requirements: attributes necessary to perform a task or process satisfactorily, such as specific skills, abilities,personal attributes,training, experience, knowledge, or any combination thereof when identified in the quality program.These attributes may be further grouped as requisites or prerequisites.
competency matrix: a document identifying a specific task or process and the elements of the competency requirementsthat must be satisfied by an individual.The specifictask or process is undertaken by someone who meets the competencyrequirements.
credentialed person: see credentialed personnel.credentialed personnel:
(a) an individual having current documentary evidence of proven competency in a specific subject area, which isachieved via attainment of a post-secondary degree,license, professional registration,or certification.Credentials may begained in-house or via a creditable recognized third party.Proven competency is based on successfully passing a compe-tency examination.
(b] an individual having documentary evidence of completing an educational ortraining program on aspecific subjectarea through a certificate.Credentials may be gained in-house or via a creditable recognized third party.
discrepant: a condition outside of an established tolerance or requirement.
executive management: a person or group of people who direct and control the Certificate Holder’s activities atthe highestlevel. The person ultimately responsible for the establishment of the quality program need not be physically situated atthe location where activities are performed.This is a generic term used to establish a functional role and may not be theactual title assigned by the Certificate Holder; the title of the person or group is established by the Certificate Holder andidentified in its organizational chart.
grace period: an allowance that modifies the term “annual” by a maximum period of plus or minus 3 months whenspecifically permitted by this Standard.The performance of an activity within the bounds of this allowance doesnot change the original 12-month cycle or “month 12” as defined under the term “annual”
inspection: activities performed by authorized personnel to verify that a productis in conformance with the requirementsof this Standard and thetechnicaljob file.Nondestructive examination (NDE)activities are considered to be an inspection.internal audit: an activity initiated by the Certificate Holder to provide impartial assurance that its quality program hasbeen properly documented and is being effectively implemented as documented in the quality program manual andsubtier documents.
manufacture: an all-inclusive term for one or more of the following processes to produce a product: certification, design,assembly, fabrication, installation, purchasing, testing,inspection, quality control, quality assurance.
monitor: to observe or check an individual’s performance or the operation of a process for compliance with the re-quirements specified in the technical job file, this Standard, or the Certificate Holder’s quality program.


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