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ASME N511 pdf free download

ASME N511 pdf free download In-Service Testing of Nuclear Air-Treatment, Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Systems
This Standard covers the requirements for in-servicetesting of nuclear air-treatment, heating. ventilating.and air-conditioning systems within nuclear facilities.1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this Standard is to provide requirementsfor in-service testing. the results of which are used toverify that the nuclear air-treatment,heating. ventilating.and air-conditioningsystems perform their intended func-tions.
1.3 Applicability
This Standard applies to the in-service testing of nuclearair-treatment, heating. ventilating. and air-conditioningsystems that have been designed. built. and accep-tance-testedi in accordance with ASME AG-1. Sectionsof this Standard may be used for technical guidancewhen testing air-treatment, heating, ventilating, andair-conditioning systems designed and built to other stan-dards.
1.4 Use of This Standard
This Standard provides a basis for the development oftest programs and does not include acceptance criteria,except where the results of one test influence the perfor-mance of other tests.Based on the system design and itsfunction(s]. the owner shall develop a test program andacceptance criteria.
Nonmandatory Appendices A through D provide addi-tional information and guidance.
1.5 Definitions
These definitions are consistent with the ASME AG-1Divisions 1 through lv and supplement those listed inASME AG-1,Article AA-1000.
abnormcl incident: any event or condition that mayadversely affect the function of the nuclear air-treatment,heating. ventilating. and air-conditioning systems.
acceptable preconditioning: the alteration. variation,manipulation,or adjustment of the physical conditionof a component before in-service testing for the
purpose of protecting personnel or equipment ormeeting the manufacturer’s recommendations. Thismay include routine and scheduled maintenance foroptimum equipment and system performance. Precondi-tioning for purposes of personnel protection orequipmentpreservation should outweigh the benefits gained bytesting only in the as-found condition.This precondi-tioning may be based on the equipment manufacturer’srecommendations or industry-wide operating experienceto enhance equipment and personnel safety.This precon-ditioning should be evaluated and documented prior tothe in-service test.
acceptance test: a test made upon completion of fabrica-tion, installation, repair, or modification of a unit, compo-nent, or part to verify to the user or owner that the itemmeets specified performance requirements.
adsorbent: a solid of high specific surface area having theability to attract and concentrate gaseous phasesubstances on its surface.
adsorber: a device or vessel containing adsorbent that isused to remove and hold back substances in a gaseousphase from an air or gas stream.
adsorber bank or filter bank: one or more filters or adsor-bers secured in a single mounting frame, or one or moreside-by-side panels containing poured or packed air-treat-ment media, confined within the perimeter of a duct,plenum, or vault cross section, sometimes referred toas a stage.
aerosol: a stable suspension of particles, solid or liquid, inair or gas.
as-found condition: the condition of a component betweenin-service tests without preconditioning.
challenge: to expose a filter, adsorber, or other air-treat-ment device to an aerosol or gas of known characteristicsunderspecified conditions forthe purpose of performancetesting.
chalenge aerosol: an aerosol used for in-place leak testingof installed HEPA filter systems.
([1] Acceptable aerosol liquidmaterials for theQ-76ortheQ-107
penetrometer are dicoctylphthalate (DOP), dioctylsebacate(DoS/DEHSJ, and 4 centistoke polyalphaolcfin(PA0].


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