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ASME B31T pdf free download

ASME B31T pdf free download Standard Toughness Requirements for Piping ASME Code for Pressure Piping, B31
3.7.4 Weld Filler Metal General. Weld filler metal for applications in whichthe design minimumtemperature is colderthan the temperature listed in column8 orcolumn 9 ofTable 3.1-1, as applicable, shallbe impacttested. The impacttests shall be conducted for
(a) each lotofcovered, fluxcored, metal cored, orfabri- cated electrodes
(b) each heat of bare electrodes, rod, or wire for use with the oxy fuel welding (OFW), gas metal arc welding (GMAW), GTAW, plasma arc welding (PAW), and electrogas welding (EGW) processes (ASME BPVC, Section IX, QW/QB-492)
(c) each heat of consumable inserts
(d) each combination ofheatofbare electrodes and lot of submerged arc flux
(e) each combinationoflotoffabricatedelectrodes and lot of submerged arc flux
(f) each combination ofheatofbare electrodes or lotof fabricated electrodes and dry blend of supplementary powdered filler metal and lot of submerged arc flux
(g) each combination ofheatofbare electrodes and lot of electroslag flux Where the specificationforweldingconsumables speci- fiesimpacttestingatatemperatureequalto orcolderthan the design minimum temperature, testingofeach heat/lot combination is notrequired, provided the filler metal will be used in the same heat treatment condition as is speci- fied in the filler metal specification. Tests performed on the welding material in the qualification of weld proce- dures may satisfy the testing requirements for the lot, heat, orcombinationofheatand batch ofweldingmaterial used. Test Coupons.
The welding test coupon shall be made using the welding process, filler metal specifica- tion and classification, minimum tensile strength, preheat and interpass temperatures, and postweld heattreatment to be usedinthe productionweldingusingeachprocess to be used in the production welding. The test coupon shall be of sufficient size and thickness that the required test specimens can be removed. The weld metal to be tested for all processes except electroslag welding shall be deposited in such a manner as to eliminate substantially the influence of the base material on the results of the tests. Weld metal to be used with the electroslag process shall be deposited in such a manneras to conform to an applicable WPS for production welding; see ASME BPVC, Section IX, QW-201.1.
The welding of the test coupon shall be performed within the range of preheat and interpass temperatures that will be used in production welding. Coupons shall be tested in the as-welded condition ortheyshall be tested in the applicable postweld heat-treated condition when the production welds are to be postweld heat treated.
The postweld heat treatment holding time shall be at least 80% of the maximum time to be applied to the weld metal in production application. The total time for post- weldheattreatmentofthetestspecimenmaybeappliedin one heatingcycle. The coolingrate from the postweld heat treatment temperature shall be ofthe same order as that applicable to the weld metal in the production welds. In addition, weld coupons for weld metal to be used with the electroslagprocess thatare tested in the as-welded condi- tion, or following a postweld heat treatment within the holding temperature ranges of the applicable code for the material being tested, shall have a thickness within the range of 0.5 times to 1.1 times the thickness of the welds to be made in production. Electroslag weld coupons to be tested followinga postweld heattreatment, which will include heating the coupon to a temperature warmer than the holding temperature ranges of the ap- plicable code for the material being tested, shall have a thickness within the range of 0.9 times to 1.1 times the thickness of the welds to be made in production. Test Specimens. Regardless of the welding process or welding material being tested, the impact test specimens shall be located and prepared in accor- dance with the requirements of ASME BPVC, Section II, Part C, SFA-5.1, Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding. Test Requirements. Impact testing of the weld metal shall meet the requirements applicable to the base metal. Where different requirements exist for the two base metals, the weld metal may conform to either of the two requirements unless the requirement of para.
4.5.3 applies. 4 IMPACT TESTING METHODS AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 4.1 General Whenimpacttestingisrequiredbysection3,provisions intheapplicablecode,ortheengineeringdesign,itshallbe done in accordance with this section unless otherwise required by the applicable code.


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