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ASME BPVC 2344 pdf free download

ASME BPVC 2344 pdf free download Case 2344 Use of Sand Cast Aluminum Alloy A356.0, T6 Temper, for the Manufacture of Hot Water Heating Boilers Under Part HC Section IV
Inquiry: May aluminum alloy A356.0 sand castings inthe T6 temper meeting the chemical composition andmechanical properties given in Tables 1 and 2 andother requirements of ASTM B 26/B 26M-97 be usedin Section IV,Part HC, construction of heating boilers?
Reply: It is the opinion of the committee that aluminumalloy A356.0 sand castings in the T6 temper meetingthe chemical composition and mechanical propertiesgiven in Tables 1 and 2 and other requirements ofASTM B 26/B 26M-97 may be used in Section Iv,Part HC,construction of heating boilers,under thefollowing conditions:
(a) Maximum allowable working pressure shall notexceed 50 psi.
(b) No welding is permitted.
(c) In lieu of Section IV,HC-200 through HC-213,all applicable requirements of ASTM B 26/B 26M-97and Tables 1 and 2 of this Case shall apply. Thefootnotes applicable to Tables 1 and 2 of ASTM B26/B 26M-97 apply to Tables 1 and 2 of this Case.(d) Maximum water temperature shall be 200°F.
(e) All other applicable parts of Section IV shallapply except HC-401 and HC-402.
(f)Proof testing to establish design pressure is re-quired and shall comply with HG-501 and HG-502.3,except that in the equation in HG-502.3, the specifiedminimum tensile strength at room temperature shall be34,000 psi and the design factor shall be 7 in lieu of 5.(g)All boiler parts or sections shall be built accordingto the Material Specification requirements. Each boilersection,including end and intermediate cored sections,shall show the following data cast in letters or numeralsat least 5/6in. (8 mm) high:
( l ) the Material Specification identification number(2) the boiler or parts manufacturer’s name oracceptable abbreviation, preceded by the words “Certi-fied by”or”Cert. by”
(3) maximum allowable working pressure(4) maximum water temperature
(5) pattern number
(6) casting date
(7) the name of the shop-assembler in possessionof a Code Symbol Stamp and a valid Certificate ofAuthorization. Arrangement of the data shall be substan-tially as shown in Fig. 1. Other data may be cast onthe sections.
(h) When the boiler size and number of sections hasbeen decided, the completed boiler shall be markedwith the Code Symbol shown in Fig. HG-530.1 andwith the data specified in HG-530.2(b).
(i) This Case number shall be shown on the H-5Data Report.


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