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ASME NM.2 pdf free download

ASME NM.2 pdf free download Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin Piping Systems ASME Standards for Nonmetallic Pressure Piping Systems
This section states the qualifications of the designer;defines the pressures, temperatures,and forces applicableto the design of piping; and states the considerations to begiven to various effects and their consequent loadings. Seealso section 2-6.
2-1.1 Qualifications of the Designer
The designer is the person in charge of the engineeringdesign of a piping system.The designer shall be experi-enced in the design of FRP piping systems, but the quali-fications and experience required of the designer willdepend on the complexity and criticality of the system.The owner’s approval shall be documented if the indivi-dual does not meet at least one of the following criteria:(a) completion of an engineering degree,accredited byan independent agency such as the Accreditation Boardfor Engineering and Technology (ABET).requiring theequivalent of at least 4 yr of study that provides exposureto fundamental subject matter relevant to the design ofpiping systems, plus a minimum of 5 yr of experiencein the design of related pressure piping
(b) professional engineering registration, recognizedby the local jurisdiction, and at least 5 yr of experiencein the design of related pressure piping
(c) completion of an accredited engineering technicianor associate’s degree requiring the equivalent of at least2 yr of study, plus a minimum of 10 yr of experience in thedesign of related pressure piping
d 15yr of experience in the design of related pressurepiping
Experience in the design of related pressure piping issatisfied by piping design experience that includes designcalculations for pressure,sustained and occasional loads,and piping flexibility.
2-1.2 Design Pressure2-1.2.1 General
(a) The design pressure of each component in a pipingsystem shall be not less than the pressure at the mostsevere condition of coincident internal or external pres-sure and temperature (minimum or maximum] expectedduring service, except as provided in para.2-2.2.3.
b) The most severe condition shall be that whichresults in the greatest required component thicknessand the highest component rating.
(c) When a pipe is separated into individualized pres-sure-containing chambers (jacketed piping, blanks,etc.).the partition wall shall be designed on the basis ofthe mostsevere coincident temperature (minimum or maximum)and differential pressure between the adjoining chambersexpectedduringservice,except asprovided inpara.2-2.2.3.
2-1.2.2 Required Pressure Containment or Relief(a) Provision shall be made to safely contain or relieveany expected pressure to which the piping may besubjected. Piping that is not protected by a pressure-relieving device or that can be isolated from a pres-sure-relieving device shall be designed for at least thehighest pressure that can be developed.
(b) Sources of pressure to be considered includeambient influences,pressure oscillations and surges,decomposition of unstable fluids,static head,andfailure of control devices.
(c) The allowances of para.2-2.2.3(d]shall bepermitted, provided that the other requirements ofpara. 2-2.2.3 are also met.
2-1.2.3 Maximum Operating Pressure. The maximumoperating pressure for the piping system is the maximumsustained operating pressure to which the piping compo-nents can be exposed in service.The maximum operatingpressure, along with the coincident temperature, shall beused in the pipe stress analysis (see section 2-4).
2-1.3 Design Temperature
2-1.3.1 General. The design temperature of eachcomponent in a piping system is the temperature atwhich, under the coincident pressure, the greatest thick-ness is required in accordance with para.2-1.2.
NOTE:To satisfy the requirements of para.2-2.2。differentcomponents in the same piping system may have differentdesign temperatures.
ln establishing design temperatures, the designer shallconsider, at minimum, the fluid temperatures,ambienttemperatures, solar radiation, heating orcoolingmedium temperatures,and the applicable provisions ofpara.2-2.3.


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