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ASME MFC-22 pdf free download

ASME MFC-22 pdf free download Measurement of Liquid by Turbine Flowmeters
This Standard describes the criteria for the applicationof a turbine flowmeter with a rotating blade for themeasurement of liquid flows through closed conduitrunning full.
The standard discusses the following:
(a) considerations regarding the liquids to bemeasured
(b) turbine flowmeter system(c) installation requirementsd) design specifications
(e) the maintenance, operation, and performance(f) measurement uncertainties
This Standard does not address the details of theinstallation of accessory equipment used to measurepressure, temperature, and/ or density for the accuratedetermination of mass or base volumes, or those accesso-ries used to automatically compute mass or basevolumes.
The following is a list of publications referenced in thisStandard. Unless otherwise specified, the latest editionshall apply-
ANSI /NCSL Z540.2-1997 (R2002),U.S. Guide toExpression of Uncertainty in Measurement
Publisher: NCSL International,2995 Wilderness Place,Suite 107,Boulder, CO 80301-5404
ASME MFC-1M,Glossary of Terms Used in theMeasurement of Fluid Flows in Pipes
Publisher: The American Society of MechanicalEngineers (ASME),Three Park Avenue,New York,NY10016-5990; Order Department: 22 Law Drive,P.O. Box 2300,Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300
IsO Guide to the expression of uncertainty inmeasurement
Publisher: InternationalOrganization_forStandardization (ISO), 1 ch. de la Voie-Creuse, Casepostale 56,CH-1211, Geneve 20, Switzerland /SuisseNIST Technical Note 1297 (TN 1297),Guidelines forEvaluating and Expressing the Uncertainty of NISTMeasurement Results
Publisher: United States Department of Commerce,Technology Administration, National Institute ofStandards and Technology (NIST),100 Bureau Drive,
Gaithersburg,MD 20899; http:/ / physics.nist.gov /Pubs/ guidelines / TN1297 / tn1297s.pdf
Much of the vocabulary and many of the symbolsused in this Standard are defined in ASME MFC-1M.Others that are unique in the field under consideration,or with special technical meanings are given in para.3.1.Where a term has been adequately defined in the maintext, reference is made to the appropriate paragraph.3.1 Definitions
base flowo rate: flow rate converted from flowing condi-tions to base conditions of pressure and temperature,generally expressed in units of base volume per unittime (e.g.gpm, m3 /h, etc.).
base pressure: a specified reference pressure to which afluid volume at flowing conditions is reduced for thepurpose of billing and transfer accounting. It is generallytaken as 14.73 psia (101.560 kPa) by the gas industry inthe U.s.
base temperafure: a specified reference temperature towhich a fluid volume at flowing conditions is reducedfor the purpose of billing and transfer accounting. It isgenerally taken as 60°F (15.56°C) by the gas industry inthe U.s.
base oolime: volume of the fluid at base pressure andtemperature.
flowing pressure: static pressure of the fluid at the flowingcondition.
florwing tesmperatre: the temperature of the fluid at theflowing condition.
linearify: linearity refers to the constancy of K factor overa specified range, defined by either the pipe Reynoldsnumber or the flow rate.A typical liquid turbine meterperformance curve is shown in Fig.i. The linear rangeof the turbine meter is usually specified by a banddefined by maximum and minimum K factors, withinwhich the K factor for the meter is assumed to be Kmean-The upper and lower limits of this range can be specifiedby the manufacturer as a function of maximum andminimum Reynolds number ranges, a flow rate rangeof a specified fluid, or other meter design limitationssuch as pressure, temperature, or installation effects.pipe Reynolds nunber: expressed by the equation


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