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ASME II SA29 pdf free download

4.3.2, additional samples shall be analyzed and the accept-ability of the heat negotiated between the purchaser andthe producer.
4.4 Referee Analysis — In case a referee analysis isrequired and agreed upon to resolve a dispute concerning theresults of a chemical analysis, the referee analysis shall be
performed in accordance with the latest issue of Test Methods,Practices,and Terminology A 751,unless otherwise agreedupon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
5. Grain Size Requirement
5.1 Austenitic Grain Size:
5.1.1 When a coarse austenitic grain size is specified,the steel shall have a grain size number of 1 to 5 exclusiveas determined in accordance with Test Methods E 112.
Conformance to this grain size of 70%e of the grains in thearea examined shall constitute the basis of acceptance. Onetest per heat shall be made.
5.1.2 When a fine austenitic grain size is specified,the steel shall have a grain size number of 5 or higheras determined in accordance with Test Methods E 112.
Conformance to this grain size of 70% of the area examined
shall constitute the basis of acceptance. One test per heatshall be made unless the provisions of or exercised. When aluminum is used as the grain refin-
ing element, the fine austenitic grain size requirement shallbe deemed to be fulfilled if, on heat analysis, the aluminum
content is not less than 0.020% total aluminum or, alter-nately,0.015%e acid soluble aluminum.The aluminum con-tent shall be reported.The grain size test specified in 5.1.2shall be the referee test. By agreement between purchaser and sup-
plier,columbium or vanadium or both may be used forgrain refining instead of or with aluminum. When colum-
bium or vanadium is used as a grain refining element, thefine austenitic grain size requirement shall be deemed tobe fulfilled if, on heat analysis, the columbium or vanadiumcontent is as follows (the content of the elements shall bereported with the heat analysis): Referee Test — In the event that the chemi-cal analysis of columbium or vanadium does not meet therequirements of, the grain size test shown in 5.1.2shall be the referee test unless an alternative test methodis agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
6. Mechanical Property Requirements
6.1 Test Specimens:
6.1.1 Selection —Test specimens shall be selected inaccordance with the requirements of the applicable productspecification or in accordance with Supplement 1 of thelatest issue of Test Methods and Definitions A 370, in thesequence named.
6.1.2 Preparation — Unless otherwise specified inthe applicable product specification,test specimens shallbe prepared in accordance with the latest issue of TestMethods and Definitions A 370, and especially Supplementl thereof.
6.2Methods of Mechanical Testing — All mechanicaltests shall be conducted in accordance with the latest issueof Test Methods and Definitions A 370,and especiallySupplement I thereof, on steel bar products.
6.3 Retests:
6.3.1 If any test specimen shows defective machiningor develops flaws,the specimen may be discarded andanother substituted.
6.3.2 If the percentage elongation of any tensionspecimen is less than that specified and any part of thefracture is more than %4in. [20 mm] from the center of a2 in. [50 mm] specimen,or is outside the middle half ofthe gage length of an 8 in. [200 mm] specimen as indicatedby scribe scratches marked on the specimen before testing,a retest shall be allowed.
6.3.3 For “as-wrought” material, if the results forany original tension specimen are within 2000 psi [ 14 MPa]of the required tensile strength, within 1000 psi [7 MPa]of the required yield point,or within 2% of the requiredelongation, retesting shall be permitted. If the original test-ing required only one test, the retest shall consist of tworandom tests from the heat or lot involved. If the originaltesting required two tests of which one failed by theamounts listed in this paragraph, the retest shall be madeon one random test from the heat or lot. If the resultson the retest specimen or specimens meet the specifiedrequirements, the heat or test lot will be accepted. If theresults of one retest specimen do not meet the specifiedrequirements,the material is subject to rejection.


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