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ASME B89.7.3.1 pdf free download

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These guidelines provide terminology and specifythe content that must be addressed when stating adecision rule used for deciding the acceptance or rejec-tion of a product according to specification.
decision rule: a documented rule, meeting the require-ments of section 3 of these guidelines,that describeshow measurement uncertainty will be allocated withregard to accepting or rejecting a product according toits specification and the result of a measurement.binary decision rule: a decision rule with only twopossible outcomes,either acceptance or rejection.’specification zone (of an instrument or workpiece):theset of values of a characteristic between, and including,the specification limits.2,3,4
measurand:particular quantity subject to measure-ment. See VIM,2.6.5
expanded uncertainty:quantity defining an intervalabout the result of a measurement that may be expectedto encompass a large fraction of the distribution ofvalues that could reasonably be attributed to the measur-and. See GUM,2.3.5.
uncertainty interval (of a measurement):the set ofvalues of a characteristic about the result of a measure-ment that may be expected to encompass a large fractionof the distribution of values that could reasonably beattributed to the measurand.6.7
N : 1 decision rule: a situation where the width of thespecification zone is at least N times larger than theuncertainty interval for the measurement result.8
acceptance zone: the set of values of a characteristic,for a specified measurement process and decision rule,that results in product acceptance when a measurementresult is within this zone.”
rejection zone: the set of values of a characteristic,for a specified measurement process and decision rule,that results in product rejection when a measurementresult is within this zone.10
transition zone: the set of values of a characteristic,for a specified measurement process and decision rule,that is neither in the acceptance zone nor rejectionzone.11
guard band:the magnitude of the offset from thespecification limit to the acceptance or rejection zoneboundary.12、13,14,15、16、17
simple acceptance: the situation when the acceptancezone equals and is identical to the specification zone.simple rejection:the situation when the rejection zoneconsists of all values of the characteristic outside thespecification zone.
stringent acceptance: the situation when the accept-ance zone is reduced from the specification zone bya guard band(s). See Fig. 1.18,15
relaxed rejection:the situation when the rejectionzone is partially inside the specification zone by theamount of a guard band. See Fig. 1.18
relaxed acceptance: the situation when the acceptancezone is increased beyond the specification zone by aguard band.20


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