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ASME B30.27 pdf free download

ASME B30.27 pdf free download Material Placement Systems ASME B30.27-2005 Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
sECTION 27-0.1: sCOPE
volume B30.27 includes provisions that apply to theconstruction, installation, operation, inspection,and main-tenance of mobile material placing booms,mobile tele-scoping boom conveyors,separate placing booms,andmaterial placement accessories (see Figs. 1 through 3).This volume does not apply to the pumping ele-ments of a concrete pump,conveyors, mortar convey-ing or spraying machines, or dry mix shotcreting ma-chines.
The concrete pump portion of these machines is cov-ered by CPMA 27-2000.
The conveyor section of these machines is covered byASME B20.1.
concrete delivery hose: a flexible delivery hose having acoupling on each end.
control panel: controls mounted on the material place-ment system.
delivery suystems: delivery lines, pipes, hoses, attachmentcomponents,and transfer valves, through which mate-rial is transported (see Fig. 4).
designated person: a person selected or assigned by theemployer or the employer’s representative as beingcompetent to perform specific duties.
erd hose: a flexible concrete delivery hose that only hasone coupling.
rnamaal oalve override: a mechanical valve actuator usedto operate an electrically controlled valve in emergencyor breakdown situations.
mxaual valoes: a valve whose manual actuator is the onlymeans of valve actuation.
raaxinsemm support force: the maximum force exerted onthe supporting surface at any one outrigger.
rormal operating conditions: conditions during which amaterial placement system is performing functionswithin the scope of the original design. Under these con-ditions,no one other than the operator is on the mate-rial placement system.
ouutrigger: extendable or fixed members attached to themounting base, which rest on supports at the outer endsused to support the machine.
placing booms: manual or power driven, slewable work-ing devices,consisting of one or more extendable orfoldable parts supporting the material delivery system,and directing the discharge into the desired location.priorify swifching: transferring control of one or morefunctions from a control location to a different controllocation.
qualified person: a person who, by possession of a recog-nized degree in an applicable field, or certificate of pro-fessional standing,or who by extensive knowledge,training, and experience, has successfully demonstratedthe ability to solve or resolve problems relating to thesubject matter and work.
rafed load: maximum allowable working load designatedby the manufacturer.
reofe confrol: a portable control device connected to themachine by a wire cable or linked by radio or other means.safety device: a means placed in use for the specific pur-pose of preventing an unsafe condition.
sheave: a grooved wheel or pulley used with a rope tochange the direction and point of application of apulling force.
shortrigging: one or more outriggers not fully extendedon the side away from the boom operational area.
signal person: see spotfer.
specific fype (of material placeent systerm): a model, style, orsize classification of material placement system (e.g.,threesection boom, four section boom, 50 meter class,conveyor).spofter: a signal person / spotter is a person positioned ata vantage point where both the point of discharge andthe operator of the material placement system can beseen and relays information to the operator.
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