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ASME B5.49 pdf free download

adjustable bed press:a gap frame press with a straightfront that is equipped with,or arranged for, an adjust-able bed.
adjustable stroke: the capability of varying the lengthof stroke of a slide.
adjustment of a slide:preferred term is slide ad-justment.
air cushion: preferred term is die cushion.air jack: preferred term is die cushion.air pad: preferred term is die cushion.air pin: preferred term is pressure pin.
air press: preferred term is pneumatic power press.antirepeat:the function of the control system thatlimits the press to a single cycle with the actuatingcontrol(s) held operated.
anti fie-down:with a two-hand control device,thefunction of the control system that requires the releaseof all actuators before press operation can be reinitiated.automatic die change:the fully programmable proce-
dure for changing from the current die setup to asecond die setup,without any manual intervention.
auiomatic die clamp: a power actuated means forfastening dies into the press.
automatic feeding:the process whereby means otherthan manual are used to place the material or work-piece(s) into the press and to remove the material orworkpiece(s) from the press.
automatic mode:any operating mode that producescontinuous cycling.
Can also refer to the bed (of a large straight sidepress) mounted and guided in the press frame andprovided with a suitable mechanism, usually operatedby power, for varying the press shutheight. An exampleis a wedge adjustment on a knuckle joint press.
Reference: horn press.
Antirepeat requires the release of all actuating controlsbefore another cycle can be initiated. Antirepeat is thecontrol equivalent of a single-cycle mechanism,withthe additional requirement of the release of all actuatingcontrols to enable a new cycle.The function of antire-peat is to prevent the successive cycles that could occurif the antirepeat control did not exist.
Reference: single cycle capability; single cycle mech-anis.
An automatic die change can involve a single press,or a line of presses dedicated to the production of asingle end product.
Automatic die clamps are usually electrically controlledand may be hydraulically or pneumatically actuated.Reference: die clamp.
Transfer press feeds also move the workpiece(s) fromdie station to die station. For pick-and-place or roboticsystems,feeding mechanisms move the workpiece(s)from press to press.
Reference: mianaal feeding.
Reference: auiomatic single cycle; continuous cycling;continuous mode ; operator-maintained continuoesmode.
aiatomatic press:a press production system in whichthe work,either separate workpieces,coil stock,orsheet stock,is fed through the press in synchronismwith the press and by means other than manual.
automatic single cycle: continuous cycling,initiatedby an operator,and maintained by actuating signalsfrom an automatic feeding mechanism, or other auxiliaryequipment,without further operator interaction.
cetomatic single stroke:preferred term is automaticsingle cycle.
barrier guard:preferred term is guard.
bed:the frame member of the press to which thebolster is attached.
bed opening (1):space(s) in the bed of a press toaccommodate a die cushion(s).
bed opening (2):space(s) in the bed of a pressprovided for removal of scrap or parts from the die(s).
bed size:the area provided to accommodate the bol-ster,expressed as left-to-right by front-to-back.
bench press:any small press of a size to be mountedon a bench or table.
blank:a flat workpiece produced as the first operationof a stamping process.
blankholder slide:preferred term is outer slide.blankinig (1 ): the process of producing a flat stampingfrom coil,strip,or sheet stock.
blanking (2):the means of bypassing a portion of asensing field of a presence-sensing safeguarding device.
blank-out:preferred term is blanking (2).
bolster:the plate attached to the bed, which mayhave tapped holes,T-slots, or other means for attachingdie components.
bolster carriage: preferred term is moving bolster.bolster plate: preferred term is bolster.
bottom drive press:preferred term is underdrive press.


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