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ASME A17.4 pdf free download

ASME A17.4 pdf free download Guide for Emergency Personnel (Includes Evacuation Procedures and Firefighters’ Service Operating Procedures)
1.2.4 Door Restrictors (Restricted Door Operation)
Many elevator car and/or landing doors are equipped with door restrictors toprevent opening of the car doors or landing doors from inside the car when thecar is outside the unlocking zone. These devices are required byASME A17.1/CSA B44 and ASME A17.3 to be installed in such a manner that thedoors can be opened from outside the car without special tools. Emergencypersonnel should become familiar with how these devices can be opened fromthe landing before an actual emergency occurs.
1.3.1 Communication
Prior to conducting an evacuation, the following steps should be taken:
(a) The responsible personnel in the building should immediately be stationedoutside of the stalled elevator and communicate with the occupants of the elevatorcar to inform them that
(1) they are safe
i2) steps are being taken to evacuate them from the elevator car3) they should stand clear of doors since they may be openedi4) they should refrain from smoking
(5) they should not attempt to exit the car
(b) ln communicating with the occupants of the elevator car,the followinginformation should be obtained for guidance in making decisions on actions tobe taken in the rescue operation:
1) the number of persons in the elevator car
(2) whether any of the occupants of the elevator car have an immediatemedical concern
i3) whether the lights are on in the elevator car
(4) the location of the elevator car in the hoistway, if known
(c) One member of the rescue team should be stationed at the location of theelevator mainline disconnect to open or close the mainline disconnect switch asrequired by the evacuation team. Two-way communication should be maintainedbetween these team members.
The rescue team should verify that these steps have been taken, and while therescue operation is in progress, the occupants of the elevator car should continuallybe kept informed and reassured of their safety.
1.3.2 Assessment of Conditions
lt is recognized that the preferred safe practice in evacuating passengers is tomove the elevator car to a landing level. The procedures outlined herein do notrequire the movement of the elevator car by any means other than normal inspectionor Phase l operation. The elevator car will not move if the safety circuit is open.


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