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ASME A17.6 pdf free download

ASME A17.6 pdf free download Standard for Elevator Suspension, Compensation, and Governor Systems\1.2.3 ASME Standards
ASME A17.1/CSA B44 (latest edition), Safety Code forElevators and Escalators
ASME A17.2 (latest edition),Guide for Inspection ofElevators,Escalators, and Moving Walks
Publisher: The American Society of MechanicalEngineers (ASME),Three Park Avenue,New York,NY 10016-5990; Order Department: 22 Law Drive,PO.Box 2300,Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300 (www.asme.org)
1.3.1 Descriptions of Terms Specific to Rope
Elements Stranded Steel Wire Rope.An assembly ofstrands laid helically in one layer around a core.SeeFig. Wire.A single continuous length of steelwith a circular uniform cross-section cold drawn froma rod. Finish and Quality of Coating. The condi-tion of the surface finish of the wire, e-g., uncoated ormetallic coated (zinc or zinc alloy) shall comply withthe following:
(a) Uncoated Wire.Carbon steel wire that does nothave a metallic coating; formerly referred to as brightwire.
(b)Metallic Coated Wire. Carbon steel wire that has ametallic coating-
(1)Final-Galvanized Wire. Coated carbon steel wirewith a zinc coating applied after the final wire drawingoperation.
(2) Drawn-Galoanized Wire. Coated carbon steelwire with a zinc coating applied prior to the final wiredrawing operation.
(3) Final-Coated Zn-5Al-MM Wire. Coated carbonsteel wire with a zinc-aluminum alloy (mischmetal) coat-ing applied after the final wire drawing operation.i4) Drawn-Zn-5AI-MM Wire.Coated carbon steelwire with a zinc-aluminum alloy (mischmetal) coatingapplied prior to the final wire drawing operation. Function
(a) Load-Bearing Wires (Main Wires). Those wires ina rope that are considered as contributing toward thebreaking force of the rope.
(b) Nonload-Bearing Wires. Those wires in a rope thatare considered as not contributing towards the breakingforce of the rope.
(c)Filler Wires. Comparatively small wires used incertain constructions to create the necessary numberof interstices for supporting the next layer of coveringwires.
(d)Seizing (Seroing)Wires or Strands.Those singlewires or strands used for making a close-wound helicalserving to retain the elements of a rope in their assem-bled position. Position
a) Ceuter Wire. Wire positioned at the center of astrand of a stranded rope.
(b)lnner Wire. All wires except center, filler, core, andouter wires of a stranded rope.
(c)Oufer Wire. All wires in the outer layer of thestrand of a stranded rope.
(1) Crowr Wire. The visible portion of the helicallylaid outer wire that contacts the wear surfaces.
(2) Valley Wire. The visible portion of the helicallylaid outer wire that does not contact the wear surfaces.(d) Core Wire. All wires comprising the core of astranded rope, where applicable. Layer of Wires. An assembly of wireshaving one pitch diameter. The exception is a War-rington layer comprising large and small wires wherethe smaller wires are positioned on a larger pitch circlethan the larger wires. The first layer of wires is thatwhich is laid over the strand center wire. Filler wiresdo not constitute a separate layer. Strands Strand. An element of rope normallyconsisting of an assembly of wires of appropriate shapeand dimensions laid helically in one or more layersaround a center wire.


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