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ASME B107.57 pdf free download

GENERAL1.1 Scope
This Standard provides safety requirements for thedesign,conslruction.testing, and use of bricklayers’harmirners that are intended specifically for use in settingand cutting (splitting) bricks,masory tiie. chippingmorar from bricks,and also of prospecting picks thatare intended specifically for use in pulling sarnplcsfrom the ground.
1.2 Purpose
This Standard is intended to serve as a guide inselecting. testing, and using the hand tools covered.Details of design, lesting. and use of the lools coveredare specified only as they relate lo safety. lt is not thepurpose of this Standard to specify the details ofianufacturing.
The Standard is also mcant to serve as a guide indeveloping manuals and posters and for training person-nel lo work safely.
1.3 Application
This Standard may be used as a guide by statcauthorities or other regulalory bodics in the formationof laws or regulations. 11 is also intended for voluntaryuse by establishments tha1 use or manufacture the toolscovered.
The methods emplayed to cnsure compliance with thisStandard shall be determined by the proper regulatory oradministrative auchority.
1.4 Shall and Should
Mandatory requirernents of this Standard are charac-tcrized by the word shalt. lf a provision is of anadvisory naturc. it is indicated by thc word should oris stated as a recommendation.
1.5 Equivalent
The word equivaient in this Standard shall be inierprc-ted to mean akerrative designs or fealures thai willprovide an equat degree of safety.
The following documents form a par1 of this Standardto the extent specified herein. At the time of publication.the editions indicated were valid. All standards aresubject lo revision and parties to agreement based on thisStandard are encouraged to investigate the possibility ofapplying the most recent edition of the standards indi-caied below.
ANSI Z87.1-1989,Practice for Occupational and Educa-tional Eye and Face Prolection
ANSI Z87.1a-1991,Supplement
ANSI 7535.4-1991.Projuct Safety Signs ard LabelsPublisher: American National Standards lastitutc〔ANSD.11 west 42nd StreeL.New York. NY !0036ASTM A 322-91,Standard Specification for Steel Bars.Alloy,S1andard Grades
AsTM A 576-90b.Standard Specification for StcciBars,Carbon,Hol-Wrought.Special Quality
ASTMA 681-94.Standard specification for TooiSteels Alloy
ASTM E 18-94,Standard Test Methods for RockwellHardress and Rockwell Superhcial Hardness of Me-1allic Materiats
Publisher: American Socicly for Testing Malerials(ASTM).100Barr Harbor Drive,west Consbo-hocken,PA 19428
Guide to Hand Tools — Selection,Safety Tips.ProperUse and Care
Publisher: Hand Tools 1nstitute (HTI). 25 North Broad-way,Tartytown.NY 10591
3 DEFINITIONS (See Figs. 1 and 2.asapplicable.)
For the purpose of this Standard. the followingdefinitions apply:
bell (poif): the portion of the hamrncrhead directlybehind the face.
bevel: the underside of the cutling edgc fbit) of thebricklayers” hammer.
biade:the tapered porlion of the trieklaycrs’ hammer-head directly opposite the face.
chanfer:the angled nar surface or equivalcnt radiusencircling the perimeler of the face of the bricklaycrs’hamner and prospccling picks and a both ends af thecutting edge of the bnieklaycrs’ hammer.
cheeks:see .sides.
curring edge tbit):the edge directly opposite the faceof the bricklayers’harnmnerhead at the extreme end ofthe blade.
eye:an apening or apcrture in the bricklayers” hammeror prospecting pick located between the blade or pickand the face into which the handle is inserted if thehandle is separate.
face: the portion of the bricklayers’ hammerhead orprospecling pick head, exclusive of the bell and chamfer.localed on tte end of the head opposite from the bladeor pick end.
handle:the portion that protrudes from the harmnet-head or pick head and by which the tool is held.handie grip:material securely attached to the gripend of some styles of hammer or pick handles.
hardness: the condition of the hammerhead or pickhead resulting frorn heal treatmenI.
neck:on some bricklayers” hanmers of aitermativedesign isee Fig. 1). the portion of the hanmerheadberween the bell and the hammer eye.
pick: the portion of the prospecting pick direcilyopposite the face.
safety nmessage: the information imprinted on or af-fixed to the hammer that is intended to prornotc safety.sides:outside surtaces of the harnncr-head,on eithersidc of the eye. lozated between the blade and charnferor neck on hricklayers’ harnmers and the pick end andcharnfer on prospecting picks: also called cheeks.
!op of hanamier er pick: the portion of the hamncrorprDspecling pick head opposite the handle entry.


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