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ASME B18-8-200M pdf free download

1.1.1 This Standard covers the complete dimensionaland general data for cotter (split) pins recognized asan American National Standard.
1.1.2 The inclusion of dimensional data in thisStandard is not intended to imply that all productsdescribed are stock production items.Consumers shouldconsult with suppliers concerning the availability ofproducts.
1.2 Comparison With Iso Standards
The cotter pins in this Standard are similar to theISO 1234:1997 standard pins. Dimensional differencesbetween this Standard and ISo 1234:1997 are an approx-imate head height dimension,which is not called forin this Standard, and the wire width dimensions, whichare not called out in the ISO Standard. These differenceswill not affect interchangeability of cotter pins manufac-tured to the requirements of either.
1.3 Dimensions
All dimensions in this Standard are given in millime-ters,unless otherwise specified. Dimensions and toler-ances are in accordance with ASME Y14.5M.
1.4 Responsibility
The responsible party for the performance of theproducts within the scope of this Standard is theorganization that supplies the components to the pur-chaser and certifies or represents that the componentwas manufactured,tested,and inspected in accordancewith this specification and meets all of its requirements.1.5 Inspection and Quality Assurance
Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser,accept-ability shall be based on conformance with the require-ments specified in ASME B18.18.1M.
1.6 Terminology
For definitions of terms relating to pins or featuresthereof used in this Standard,refer to ASME B18.12.
1.7 Referenced Standards
The following is a list of publications referenced inthis Standard.
ASMEB18.12,Glossary of Terms for MechanicalFasteners
ASME B18.18.1M,Inspection and Quality Assurancefor General Purpose Fasteners
ASME B18.24.3,Part ldentifying Number (PIN) CodeSystem Standard for B18 Nonthreaded ProductsASME Y14.5M,Dimensioning and Tolerancing
Publisher: American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME),Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016;Order Department: 22 Law Drive, Box 2300, Fairfield,NJ 07007
ASTM E 30,Chemical Analysis of Steel,Cast Iron,Open-Hearth Iron,and Wrought lron
Publisher: American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM),100 Barr Harbor Drive,West Consho-hocken,PA 19428
ISO 1234:1997,Split Pins
Publisher: International Organization for Standardization(ISo),1 rue de Varembe,Case Postale 56,CH-1211,Geneve 20,Switzerland/Suisse
2.1 Application
The cotter pins specified are intended for use inpinned bolt and nut assemblies or other type of freefitting pinned assemblies in general applications.
2.2 Head Design
A degree of leeway shall be permissible in the designof the head provided; however, the minimum outsidediameter is maintained as specified in Table 2.2.3 Length
2.3.1 Measurement. The length of pin,L, shallbe measured,parallel to the axis of the pin,from theplane of contact of a gage with the head of the pinto the end of the prong or pin as depicted in theillustrations for the respective point types (see Fig.1).The gage shall have a hole equal to the specified gagehole diameter within a tolerance of :0.03 mm (seeTable 2). The permissible break or rounding at thegaging edges of gaging holes shall not exceed 0.13mm. The pin shall be inserted into the gage with fingerpressure (force not to exceed 2.2 N).
Where pins having point types other than thoseillustrated herein are gaged,the length,L,shall bemeasured from the plane of contact of the gage withthe end of the shortest prong.
2.3.2 Tolerance on Length. The tolerance onlength of cotter pins shall be as specified in Table Preferred Lengths. Table 3 depicts the pre-ferred sizes and lengths of pins that are normallyavailable. Other sizes and lengths are produced,asrequired by the purchaser.
2.4 Prongs
2.4.1 Preferred Points. The preferred point typeshall be the extended prong – square cut or hammerlock design illustrated, as specified by the purchaser.Variations of the extended prong design and other types of points are also available,subject to mutual agreementbetween the purchaser and manufacturer.
2.4.2 Prong Alignment. The ends of the pinsshall not be open,and any gaps occurring between theprongs along the shank portion of pins beyond the endshall not exceed to 0.4 mm for pins 8 mm and over.The misalignment of prongs over the entire length ofthe shank shall not stop the pin from being insertedinto the gaging hole.
2.5 Material and Test
2.5.1 Material. Low carbon steel shall be usedunless otherwise specified as agreed upon between themanufacturer and purchaser.
2.5.2 Analysis. Chemical composition determina-tions shall be made in accordance with methods given inASTM E 30 when composition verification is specified.2.5.3 Ductility. Each prong of the cotter pin shallbe capable of withstanding being bent back upon itselfonce with no visible indication of fracture occurringat the point of bend.
2.5.4 Wire Section. Cotter pins are manufacturedfrom approximately half-round wire,and it is desirablethat the flat side of the wire have a small degree ofrounding at the edges rather than sharp corners.
2.6 Finish
Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser,cotterpins shall be supplied with a plain (as processed) finish,not plated or coated. Other finishes,where required,shall be subject to agreement between the manufacturerand purchaser.


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