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ASME B30-20 pdf free download

ASME B30-20 pdf free download Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices ASME B30.20-2006 (Revision of ASME B30.20-2003) Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
ingof trooer grab: a manipulating lifter [Fig.4, sketch(e)].
latch: a device for holding a lifter in the open or closedposition.
latch, aretomatic: a sequencing latch mechanism operatedby lifter motion.
lifting beam (spreader bean): a load-supporting lifter [seeFig. 5, sketch (a)].
lock bar sheet lifter: a supporting lifter [see Fig. 5,sketch (j)].
manipulating lifter: a lifter that rotates the load about oneor more axes during the lifting process (see Fig. 4).mecharical lifting device: a mechanism composed of twoor more rigid parts which move with respect to eachother for attaching a load to a hoisting device.
seroice, heaoy: that service which involves operationwithin the rated load limit that exceeds normal service.service,normal: that distributed service which involvesoperation with various weights within the rated loadlimit, or uniform loads less than 65% of rated load.
service, sezere: that service which involves normal orheavy service with abnormal operating conditions.
structural lifting device: a lifter consisting of an assemblyof rigid parts designed to hold and attach a load to a
hoisting device.
suapporting lifter: a lifter that carries the load on rigidprojection(s) or bearing surface(s) (see Fig. 5).
SECTION 20-0.4:DEFINITIONS FOR CHAPTER 20-2breakazoay force: the external force that is required toseparate the vacuum pad or vacuum lifting device from
the load when applied perpendicular to the attachmentsurface.
four-pad pocvered vacuum liflter: see Fig. 6,sketch (d).
four-pad povered oacuun lifter maipulator: see Fig. 6,sketch (e).
high-temperature surface: a condition where the surfaceto which the vacuum pad (or pads) is attached is above250F(120°C).
horizontal lift: a condition where the surface to whichthe vacuum pad (or pads) is attached is in a horizontalplane.
low-femperature serzice: a condition where the surface towhich the vacuum pad (or pads) is attached is below0°F (-18C).
meltiple-pad mechaical vacxrn lifter: see Fig.6, sketch (c).nonporos material: a material that is not permeable byfluid.
peel off: a prying action that takes place when deflectionof an overhanging load exceeds the compensating ability
of the vacuum pad or vacuum lifting device, resultingin loss of load.
porous material: a material that is permeable by fluid.sealing ring: that part of the vacuum pad which formsthe seal of the vacuum chamber between the vacuumpad body or vacuum lifting device and the attachedmaterial.
serzvice, heavy: that service which involves operationwithin the rated load limit that exceeds normal service.service, normal: that distributed service which involvesoperation with various weights within the rated loadlimit, or uniform loads less than 65% of rated load.serzice, severe: that service which involves normal orheavy service with abnormal operating conditions.shear breakazoay force: the external force that is requiredto separate or slide the vacuum pad or vacuum liftingdevice on the load when the force is applied parallel tothe attached load surface.
single-pad mechanical oacuum lifter: see Fig. 6, sketch (b).two-pad mechanical zacxuxer lifter: see Fig. 6,sketch (a).vacwu1: pressure less than ambient atmosphericpressure.
zacum lifter: a below-the-hook lifting device for liftingand transporting loads in a fixed attitude using a holdingforce by means of vacuum (see Fig. 6).
zacuum11 manipulator: a vacuum lifter capable of reposi-tioning the load while suspended.
zacuxumm pad: a device that applies a holding force on theload by means of vacuum.
ZaCn reserzoir: the evacuated portion of the vacuumsystem whose function is to compensate for leakage intothe vacuum system or to provide a vacuum reserve inthe event of vacuum generator failure.
zertical lift: a condition where the surface to which avacuum pad is attached is in a vertical plane.
SECTION 20-0.5:DEFINITIONS FOR CHAPTER 20-3battery system (backup): batteries used to guard againstinadvertent load release due to the loss of primary powerto the magnet system.
cold current: that current drawn by the lifting magnetwhen its coil is at 68°F (20°C) and at rated voltage.


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