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ASME B30.25 pdf free download

ASME B30.25 pdf free download Scrap and Material Handlers
SECTION IX: REQUESTS FOR INTERPRETATIONThe B30 Standards Committee will render an interpre-tation of the provisions of the B30Standard. Suchrequests should be directed to:
Secretary, B30 Standards CommitteeASME Codes and Standards
Three Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016-5990
The requests should be in the following format:Volume: Cite the designation and title of the volume.Edition: Cite the applicable edition of the volume.Subject:
Cite the applicable paragraph number(s)and the relevant heading(s).
Question: Phrase the question as a request for an inter-
pretation of a specific provision suitable forgeneral understanding and use, not as arequest for approval of a proprietary designor situation. Plans or drawings that explainthe question may be submitted to clarify thequestion.However, they should not containany proprietary names or information.
Upon receipt by the Secretary,the request will beforwarded to the relevant B30 Subcommittee for a draftresponse, which will then be subject to approval by theB30 Standards Committee prior to its formal issuance.Interpretations to the B30 Standard will be publishedin the subsequent edition of the respective volume andwill be available online at http: / / cstools.asme.org.
The equipment covered by the B30 Standard is subjectto hazards that cannot be abated by mechanical means,but only by the exercise of intelligence, care, and com-mon sense. It is therefore essential to have personnelinvolved in the use and operation of equipment whoare competent, careful, physically and mentally quali-fied, and trained in the proper operation of the equip-ment and the handling of loads.Serious hazards include,but are not limited to, improper or inadequate mainte-nance,overloading, dropping or slipping of the load,obstructing the free passage of the load,and using equip-ment for a purpose for which it was not intended ordesigned.
The B30 Standards Committee fully realizes theimportance of proper design factors, minimum or maxi-mum dimensions,and other limiting criteria of wirerope or chain and their fastenings, sheaves,sprockets,rums, and similar equipment covered by the standard, all of which are closely connected with safety. Sizes, strengths, and similar criteria are dependent on many different factors, often varying with the installation and uses. These factors depend on (a) the condition of the equipment or material (b) the loads (c) the acceleration or speed of the ropes, chains, sheaves, sprockets, or drums ix (d) the type of attachments (e) the number, size, and arrangement of sheaves or other parts (f) environmental conditions causing corrosion or wear (g) many variables that must be considered in each individual case The requirements and recommendations provided in the volumes must be interpreted accordingly, and judg- ment used in determining their application.
SECTION 25-0.1:sCOPE OF B30.25
Volume B30.25 includes provisions that apply to theconstruction, installation, operation, inspection, andmaintenance of scrap and material handlers consistingof a base, a revolving upper structure with operator’sstation(s), and a front for lifting scrap or materials usingattachments such as magnets and grapples,and anyvariations thereof in which the equipment retains thesame fundamental characteristics. The provisionsincluded in this volume apply to scrap and materialhandlers that are crawler mounted, rail mounted, wheelmounted, or on pedestal bases.The scope includeshydraulically operated scrap and material handlerspowered by internal combustion engines or electricmotors to lift,lower, and swing scrap and material atvarious radii.
Hydraulic excavators designed for digging andtrenching, forestry machines, machines designed fordemolition, lattice and telescopic boom cranes, rail-mounted cranes for railway and automobile wreck clear-ance, and equipment covered by other volumes of thisStandard are excluded.
25-0.2.1 Types of Scrap and Material Handlers
A scrap and material handler is herein after referredto as a “handler.” Handlers may be mounted on one ofthe following bases:
crawler handler: mounted on a base, equipped withcrawler tracks for travel (see Fig. 1).
pedestal-mounted handler: mounted on a pedestal base(see Fig. 2).
rail-mounted handler: mounted on a base, equipped fortravel on a railroad track (see Fig. 3).
wheel-nmounted handler (multiple control stations): mountedon a base, equipped with axles and rubber-tired wheelsfor travel, a power source(s), and having separate controlstations for driving and operating (see Fig.4).
wheel-mounted handler (single control station): mounted ona base, equipped with axles and rubber-tired wheels for


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