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ASME B30.8 pdf free download

ASME B30.8 pdf free download Slings Safety Standard for Cableways, Cranes, Derricks, Hoists, Hooks, Jacks, and Slings
volume B30.9 includes provisions that apply to thefabrication,attachment,use,inspection,testing, andmaintenance of slings used for load-handling purposes,used in conjunction with equipment described in othervolumes of the B30 Standard, except as restricted inASME B30.12 and ASME B30.23.Slings fabricatedfrom alloy steel chain, wire rope, metal mesh, syntheticfiber rope, synthetic webbing, and polyester and highperformance fiber yarns in a cover(s) are addressed.SECTION 9-0.2: DEFINITIONS
abnormal operating conditions: environmental conditionsthat are unfavorable, harmful, or detrimental to or for theoperation of a sling such as excessively high or lowambient temperatures,exposure to weather, corrosivefumes, dust-laden or moisture-laden atmospheres, andhazardous locations.
abrasion: the mechanical wearing of a surface resultingfrom frictional contact with other materials or objects.angle of choke: the angle formed in a sling body as it passesthrough the choking eye or fittings.
angle of loading: the acute angle between the sling leg andthe plane perpendicular to the direction of applied force,sometimes referred to as horizontal angle when lifting(see Figure 9-1.5-1).
basket hitch: a method of rigging a sling in which the slingis passed around the load, and both eye openings or endfittings are attached to a hook, shackle(s), or other load-handling device.
body (sling): that part of a sling between the eyes. endfittings, or loop eyes.
braided wire rope: a rope formed by plaiting componentwire ropes.
braided wire rope sling: a sling made from braided rope.bridle sling: a sling composed of multiple legs with the topends gathered in a fitting that attaches to a hook,shackle,or other load-handling device.
cable-laid rope: a type of wire rope composed of six indi-vidual wire ropes laid as strands around a wire rope core.
cable-laid rope sling, mechanical joint: a wire rope slingmade from a cable-laid wire rope with eyes fabricatedby swaging one or more metal sleeves over each rope junc-tion.
choker hitch: a method of rigging a sling in which one endof the sling is passed around the load, then through itself,an eye opening. an end fitting, or other device, andattached to a hook, shackle, or other load-handling device.component: any load-bearing element of the slingincluding the chain, wire rope,metal mesh, syntheticrope, synthetic webbing, roundsling core yarns, thread,and fittings, as applicable.
component strength: the published or industry acceptedminimum breaking strength or minimum breaking forceof the weakest component of the sling.
coupling link:
mechanical coupling link: a nonwelded cross-pinnedlink used as a connector to join a sling leg to a fitting.welded coupling link: an alloy steel welded link used as aconnector to join alloy steelchain to another component ofthe sling
cross rod: a wire used to join spirals of metal mesh to formthe complete fabric.
D/d ratio: the ratio between the curvature taken by thesling, D, and the diameter of the wire rope, synthetic rope,or chain, d.
denier: a mass-per-unit-length measure equal to theweight in grams of 9 0o0 m of the material. Denier is adirect numbering system in which the lower numbersrepresent the finer sizes and the higher numbers thecoarser sizes.
design factor: the ratio between the designed breakingload of the fabricated sling and the rated load of the sling.designed breaking load: the minimum load at which anewly fabricated and unused sling is expected to breakwhen loaded to destruction in direct tension.
endless sling (alloy chain): a chain sling made from onecontinuous length of alloy chain with both ends joinedby a welded link or mechanical coupling link.
endless sling (wire rope): a wire rope sling made endlessfrom one continuous length of cable-laid or strand-laidrope with ends joined by one or more metallic fittings(mechanical joint).
eye opening: the opening in the end of a sling for the attach-ment of the hook,shackle, or other load-handling device orthe load itself.
fabric (metal mesh): the flexible portion of the sling exclu-sive of end fittings consisting of a series of transversespirals and cross rods.
fabric length (metal mesh): the distance of metal meshbetween the end fittings.
fabric thickness (metal mesh): the nominal overall thick-ness of the spirals.
fabrication efficiency: the strength of the fabricated sling,as a percentage of the material strength prior to fabrica-tion.
fitting: any load-bearing hardware used to fabricate thesling such as a swage sleeve for wire rope or a coupling linkfor alloy chain, or an end attachment such as a hook ormaster link.
flemish eye splice: a mechanical splice formed by unlayingthe wire rope body into two parts and reforming it tocreate a loop or eye. The splice is completed by pressing(swaging) a metal sleeve over the rope juncture.
grommet(wire rope): a wire rope sling made endless fromone continuous strand (strand-laid) formed to make a six-strand rope with a strand core, or one continuous rope( cable-laid) formed to make a body of six ropesaround a rope core.The strand or rope ends (as applica-ble) are hand-tucked into the body.


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