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ASME B73.1 pdf free download

ASME B73.1 pdf free download Specification for Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical Process
The nomenclature and definitions of pump compo-nents shall be in accordance with ANSI/HI 1.1-i.2,except as noted below.
4.2Additional Definitions
auxiliary piping: includes all piping connected to thepump, seal chamber, packing box,or seal piping plan,excluding the main piping connected at the pump suc-tion and discharge flanges. Auxiliary piping includespiping. tubing, and all attached components,such asvalves, instrumentation, coolers, and seal reservoirs.onpressure-containing nonwetted parts: pump parts thatdo not contain or retain pressure and are not wetted bythe pumped fluid.
vonpressure-containing zvefted parts: pump parts that donot contain or retain pressure but are wetted by thepumped fluid (e-g., wear ring).
pressure-containing wetted parts: pump parts that containpressure and are wetted by the pumped fluid (e.g-,cas-ing, sealing cover).
pressure-retaiing 1onwetted parts: pump parts that retainpressure but are not wetted by the pumped fluid (e.g-,adapter, fasteners).
sealing cooer: refers to seal chamber, universal cover, orpacking box.
suapplier: manufacturer or manufacturer’s representativethat supplies the equipment.
Section 6 contains the design and construction fea-tures that are unique for thermoplastic and thermosetpolymer pumps.
5.1 Pressure and Temperature Limits
5.1.1 Pressure Limits. Pressure limitations shall bestated by the pump manufacturer. See para. 5.8.3 forauxiliary piping. The design pressure of the casing, sealingcover, and gland shall be at least as great as the pressure-temperature rating of ASME B16.5 Class 150 orASME B16.42 Class 150 flanges for the material used. The design pressure of jackets shall be atleast 100 psig (689 kPa gage) at 340°F (171°C). Heatingjackets may be required for jacket temperatures to500°F (260°C) with a reduction in pressure correspond-ing to the reduction in yield strength of the jacketmaterial., sealing cover, gland, and jacketsshall be designed to withstand a hydrostatic test at
1.5 times the maximum design pressure for the particu-lar component and material of construction used (seepara.
5.1.2 Temperature Limits.Temperature limitationsshal1 be stated by the pump manufacturer. Pumpsshould be available for temperatures up to 500°F(260°C).Jacketing and other modifications may be required tomeet the operating temperature.See para.5.8.3 for auxil-iary piping.
5.2 Flanges
5.2.1 General. Suction and discharge nozzles shallbe flanged. Flange drilling, facing, and minimum thick-ness shall conform to ASME B16.5 Class 150 orASME B16.42 Class 150 standards, except that markingrequirements are not applicable and the maximumacceptable tolerance on parallelism of the back of theflange shall be 3 deg. Flanges shall be flat-faced at thefull raised-face thickness (minimum) called for in theASME standards for the material of construction.Raised-face flanges may be offered as an option. Boltholes shall straddle the horizontal and vertical center-lines. Bolt holes may be tapped when adequate spacefor nuts is not available behind flanges,as noted inTable 1-1. Through bolt holes are preferred. Whentapped holes are supplied, they shali be noted on theoutline drawing.
5.2.2 Class 300 Option.As an option,Class 300flanges in accordance with ASME B16.5 or ASME B16.42may be offered with pressure ratings subject to the man-ufacturer’s casing pressure-temperature limitations.Class 300 flanges shall be flat-faced at full raised-facethickness (minimum), or raised-face flanges may beoffered as an option.
5.2.3 x and Y Dimensions.All pumps,regardlessof flange rating,shall conform to the X and Y dimensionsshown in Table 1-1.
5.2.4 Heavy Hex Nuts. Where heavy hex nuts cannotbe used, the location shall be noted on the outlinedrawing.
NOTE:ASME B16.5 and ASME B16.42 indicate the use of heavyhex nuts for certain flange connections. On many B73 pumps.heavy hex nuts cannot be used due to available space. Standardhex nuts are often substituted. The use of standard hex nuts maynot allow the achievement of full bolt stress, which may impactproper gasket compression. With most gasket materials, this doesnot reduce the gasket’s ability to properly seal. However, this is aconsideration for metallic and semimetallic (i.e.,spiral wound)gaskets where significant preload may be required to achieve suffi-cient tightness.


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