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ASME CSD-1 pdf free download

ASME CSD-1 pdf free download Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers
Installation requirements shall apply to controls, safetydevices, and burners on automatically fired boilerscovered by this Standard.
For information regarding boiler and/or burner instal-lations, refer to local codes.In the absence of local codes,see NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1 for gas-fired boilers and NFPA31 for oil-fired boilers.
For boilers firingliquefied-petroleum (LP) gas or LP-gasair mixtures, the requirements pertaining to the storagecontainer, the first and second stage LP-gas pressure regu-lators, and all components upstream of the point of gasdelivery (see cG-7o0) are covered by NFPA 58.
cG-220 Installation
(a) Installation of controls, safety devices,and burnersshall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruc-tions and the applicable requirements of this Standard.Diagrams detailing the wiring and piping connectionsfor the controls and safety devices installed shall be fur-nished by the unit manufacturer [see CG-510(c)].
( b) Installations shall provide accessibility forremoving burners; adjusting. cleaning, and lubricatingworking parts; and replacing controls, safety devices,and other control components.
(c) For information concerning the location and instal-lation of LP-gas air mixture boilers, refer to local buildingcodes.
(d) When one or more modules of a modular boiler (seecG-700) are replaced, compatibility of all controls andsystems shall be ensured. The replacement modulesshall comply with the initial listing and shall meet the re-quirements of this Standard.
cG-230 0bservation Ports
Observation ports shall be provided to permit directvisual inspection of the pilot,main burner flame, andboiler furnace, if required to adjust the pilot and/ormain burner flame. Observation ports providing directvisual observation are not required for the following:(a) boilers using pulse combustion that are labeled andlisted by a nationally recognized testing agency.
(b) boilers providing indirect observation by reflectionfor visual observation or an indicator driven by a sensor.When used, a sensor and indicator shall display both thepresence and absence of the pilot and/or main flame.cG-240 Guarding
Guards shall be provided to protect personnel andprotect against damage to control equipment. Guardingshall conform to applicable regulations.
cG-250 Annunciator Systems
where used, annunciator systems and their associatedtest and acknowledgment circuits shall have all contacts,switches, relays,and lights arranged so that safety controlfunctions are not bypassed.
cG-260 Combustion Air
(a) The requirements of combustion air shall be inaccordance with NFPA 54/ANSI Z223.1 for gas-firedboilers and with NFPA 31 for oil-fired boilers.
(b) Louvers and grilles shall be fixed in the open posi-tion or interlocked with the equipment so that they areopened automatically during equipment operation. Theinterlock shall be placed on the driven member.
(c) Fans supplying air to the boiler room for combus-tion shall be interlocked with the burner so that air flow isproven during equipment operation.
Each control and safety device covered by this Standardshall be accepted for the intended service by a nationallyrecognized testing agency such as, but not limited to,UL,,FM,or CSA (see CG-230).
Manufacturers of controls and safety devices requiringperiodic service shall furnish detailed instructionscovering the procedures and frequency of cleaning [seeCG-510(c)].
cG-420 Testing
Manufacturers of boilers and burners covered by thisStandard shall furnish detailed instructions for testingcontrols and safety devices, both when the boiler is oper-ating and when it is out of service [see cG-510(c)].
cG-430 Maintenance
Boiler, boiler unit, and burner manufacturers shallfurnish detailed instructions on maintenance andservice procedures for the fuel burning system or electri-cally heated units,including controls and safety devicesinstalled with the unit.
These instructions shall include requirements speci-fying that cover plates, enclosures. and guards shall bemaintained in place at all times, except during mainte-nance (see cG-510 and Part CM).


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