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ASME POM102 pdf free download

ASME POM102 pdf free download Operating Walkdowns of Power Plants
Equipment reliability and performance have parallels. Indications of poor performance are closely tied to those of reduced reliability. Abnormal wear patterns, poor cleanliness, increased corrosion, and mechanical fail- ures, no matter how small, have effects on both unit reliability and unit performance. Identifying the root cause is the first step in improving the overall perform- ance of a piece of equipment and the power-generating unit of which it is a part. While these inspection guidelines are written to ultimately enhance the plant’s per- formance, all observations should be noted and acted upon. Nonmandatory Appendices A through M provide details on activities to be completed prior to starting an operating inspection–walkdown.
3.1 Safety Considerations All plant safety procedures should be reviewed prior to inspecting equipment and shall be followed. Prior to walking down the operating equipment, it is important to identify all potential hazards that may be encountered. High-temperature and/or high-pressure piping should be located and identified, along with the locations of safety valves and steam traps that may release energy unexpectedly. Maintain a safe distance from rotating equipment and moving parts that are in the inspection–walkdown area. Refer to Nonmandatory Appendix N for some specific safety considerations.
3.2 Pre-Walkdown Activities Prior to any inspection, the following documents and information should be gathered and reviewed:
(a) the last inspection–walkdown report
(b) recent operating data from control system histo- rian and other available archives
(c) recent operating history as recalled by current plant operations staff
(d) actual versus expected performance for the com- ponent(s) of interest
(e) as-built P&IDs and design specifications of thesystem(s) of interest
3.3 Walkdown Plan
A plan or checklist for the inspection-walkdownshould be developed prior to starting the actualinspection-walkdown, covering the objective of theinspection-walkdown — whether this is a routineinspection-walkdown, or the specific details if a per-formance deficit has initiated the need for an extrainspection-walkdown.
lt should be noted in the plan where information maybe collected from the control system or data historianprior to initiating the inspection-walkdown, as manyof the subsections include calculation recommendationsto augment the actual inspection-walkdown activities.The plan should include a list of the equipment to beinspected and methods of accessing equipment wherespecial PPE or confined spaces may be involved.
The plan for the inspection-walkdown should bereviewed and agreed upon with plant operations stafffor additional information on operating history prior tostarting the inspection-walkdown.
Equipment needed for the inspection-walkdownshould be organized prior to starting,e-g-, cameras,flashlights, infrared temperature guns, and writingequipment. If necessary, arrangements should be madefor temporary scaffolding or ladders.
3.4 Inspection-Walkdown Activities
During the inspection-walkdown, the followingactivities are recommended:
(a) Inspect the unit in a structured direction,e.g.,fromtop to bottom, bottom to top, or front to back. This willhelp to provide complete coverage of the unit whileminimizing time spent walking from one area to another.(b) Record all information as observed; do not rely
on mental notes. This is critical to ensure all findingswill be included in the inspection-walkdown report.
(c) Obey all site safety rules.
3.5 Postinspection-Walkdown Activities
The following items should be completed immedi-ately following the inspection-walkdown:
(a) Report the significant findings from theinspection-walkdown to the responsible plant contacts.b) Report any safety issues found to correct andremove the hazards.
(c) Ensure all tools and materials taken on theinspection-walkdown are returned to their proper stor-age locations and that nothing was left out in the field.() Sign out on the appropriate forms, as needed (suchas LOTO or confined space permits)-
(e)Document all findings in a report that is retrievablein the future.


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