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ASME PVHO-2 pdf free download

III-7 IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL OF ITEMS (a) Identification shall be maintained on all items or in documentation traceable to them. (b) Controls shall be established to prevent use of incorrect or defective items. (c) The window fabricator, based on his judgment, shall also maintain additional identification and docu- mentation to assure that significant problems can be identified and proper corrective action taken. (d) Traceability procedures shall be described in the Quality Assurance Manual. (e) Traceability ofthe completed window shall extend to identification of the immediate purchaser.
III-8 CONTROL OF PROCESSES (a) Processes affecting quality shall be controlled in accordance with specified requirements using process control documents such as process sheets and travelers. (b) Special processes affecting quality, such as bond- ing and examination, shall be performed by qualified personnel using qualified procedures referenced in this Standard. III-9 INSPECTION (a) Inspection shall be planned and controlled by the fabricator. (b) These inspections shall verify conformance to doc- umented instructions, procedures, and drawings describing the activities. (c) Inspection results shall be documented. (d) Inspection for acceptance shall be performed by qualified persons other than those who performed or supervised the work. (e) Inspection documents shall contain appropriate criteria for determining that such activities have been satisfactorily accomplished.
III-10 TEST CONTROL (a) Testing required to demonstrate that the windows will perform in accordance with this Standard shall be so defined, controlled, and documented. (b) Tests shall be performed in accordance with writ- ten instructions stipulating acceptance criteria. (c) Test results shall be recorded on the required forms. (d) Examination, measurement, and testing equip- ment used for activities affecting quality shall be con- trolled, calibrated, and adjusted at specified periods to maintain required accuracy. 27 (e) Specifications, calibration, and control of measur- ing and testing equipment used for acceptance shall be described in written instructions or procedures. (f) Calibrations shall be traceable to National Standards where such exist.
III-11 HANDLING, STORAGE, AND SHIPPING Handling, storage, cleaning, packaging, shipping, and preservation ofitems shall be controlled to prevent dam- age or loss and to minimize deterioration, and shall be documented.
III-12 DOCUMENTATION AND STATUS OF TEST ACTIVITIES (a) The status of inspection and testing activities shall be indicated either on the items or in records traceable to the items to ensure that required inspections and tests are performed. (b) Items that have satisfactorily passed required inspections and tests shall be identified.
III-13 CORRECTIVE ACTION (a) Items, services, or activities that do not conform to specified requirements shall be controlled to ensure proper disposition and prevent inadvertent use. (b) Controls shall provide for identification, docu- mentation, evaluation, segregation, when practical, and disposition of nonconformances and notification to affected organizations. (c) Conditions adverse to quality shall be promptly investigated, documented, evaluated, and corrected. (d) In the case of a significant condition adverse to quality, the cause of the condition shall be determined and corrective action taken to preclude recurrence. (e) The identification, cause, and corrective action planned and taken for significant conditions shall be documented and reported to appropriate levels of management. (f) Follow-up action shall be taken to verify imple- mentation of corrective action.
III-14 QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDS (a) Records shall be specified, compiled, and main- tained to furnish documentary evidence that services, materials, items, and completed windows meet this and applicable referenced standards. (b) Records shall be legible, identifiable, and retrievable. (c) Records shall be protected against damage, deteri- oration, or loss. (d) Requirements and responsibilities for record transmittal, distribution, retention, maintenance, and disposition shall be established and documented.
II-15 QUALITY ASSURANCE AUDITS (a) The window fabricatorshallschedule and perform regular internal audits to verify compliance with all aspects of the Quality Assurance Program. (b) These audits shall be performed at least annually and stipulated in the Quality Assurance Manual. (c) These audits shall be performed by qualified per- sonnel who do not have direct responsibility for per- forming or controlling the activities being audited.


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