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ASME QAI-1 pdf free download

ASME QAI-1 pdf free download Qualifications for Authorized Inspection
1-1.1.5 TheAIAshallhavenocommercialinterestin,or shall be independentofanypartofan organization having direct commercial interest in, the products to be inspected. The staff shall be free from any commercial, financial, and other pressures that might influence their judgment or the results of their work. 1-1.1.6 AIAs described in 1-1.1.1(b) and 1-1.1.1(c) shall have liability insurance and shall (a) be able to demonstrate that they have adequate arrangements (e.g., insurance or reserves) to cover the liabilities (b) evaluate their finances and sources of income and shallbeabletodemonstratethatinitially,andonanannual basis, commercial, financial, or other pressures do not compromise their impartiality (c) retain documentary evidence that they have reviewed their activities on an annual basis to ensure that the requirements of (a) and (b) have been met (d) declare by signature in the Quality Assurance Manual’s Statement of Policy that the requirements of (a) and (b) will be met (e) submit the documentary evidence as part of their application for the ASME Certificate of Accreditation 1-1.2 ð18Þ Duties An AIA 7 shall perform the duties specified in 1-1.2.1 through 1-1.2.13.
1-1.2.1 ð18Þ Provide Supervisors and Inspectors to partici- pate in the ASME surveys ofCertificate Holders for which they provide Authorized Nuclear Inspection. Ensure the Inspector’s diary is made available for all ASME surveys and investigations where an AIA has provided Authorized Inspections to the Certificate Holder during the period under survey or investigation. The purpose of the diary is to provide a record of the Inspector’s activities and to support the continuity of inspections.
1-1.2.2 ð18Þ Provide qualified Authorized Nuclear Inspectors to monitor construction 8 in accordance with the ASME Code Section III, Division 1, 3, and/or 5.
1-1.2.3 Maintain qualified Supervisors to monitor the performance ofthe Authorized Nuclear Inspectors and to audit the activities at nuclear shops and field sites for which inspection agreements have been made, in accor- dance with the requirements of 1-2.2.6.
1-1.2.4 Give written notice to all Inspectors of the name, office address, e-mail address, office phone, and mobile phone of their respective Supervisors annually or whenever there is a change in the above contact information.
1-1.2.5 ð18Þ Assure proper execution ofresponsibilities. In particular, the Agency shall
(a) establish and implement an internal program which shall provide assurance that its employees holding the positions of Supervisor and Authorized Nuclear Inspector perform work in accordance with the requirements of Part 1. This program shall be docu- mented by written policies, procedures, or instructions and shall be carried out throughout the life term of any agreement covering inspections required by the ASME Code, in accordance with the program. The program shall provide for indoctrination and training of personnel performing such activities, as necessary, to ensure that suitable proficiency is achieved and maintained.
(b) provide instructions in writing to Authorized Nuclear Inspectors and their Supervisors, specifying their respective duties and responsibilities.
(c) provide instructions in writing to Authorized Nuclear Inspectors requiring them to immediately contact their Supervisor whenever the Inspector is unable to readily resolve any question concerning ASME Code compliance, manufacturing procedure, or quality assurance provision or its implementation. Instructions should be included as a reminder to the Authorized Nuclear Inspector that he has the authority and the duty to refuse to sign any Data Reports involving nonconformance with the ASME Code.
(d) conduct annual planned audits of activities performed by Authorized Nuclear Inspector Supervisors to verify compliance with the provisions of Part 1 and the ASME Code Section III, Division 1, 3, and/or 5. The audit shall be performed by appropriately trainedpersonnel,inaccordancewithawrittenprocedure or checklist. Audit results shall be documented and reviewed by management. Follow-up action, including reaudit ofdeficient areas, shall be taken where indicated to ensure that necessary corrective action is completed.
(e) establish and implement a written policy to ensure levels ofinspection activitycommensurate with the scope of the AIA’s Certificate of Accreditation.
1-1.2.6 Provide certification for each Authorized Nuclear Inspector and Supervisor to be performing work under the provisions of the ASME Code Section III, Division 1, 3, and/or 5 to ensure that the Inspectors and Supervisors meetthe required experience and training requirements of Part 1. Certification and documentation of qualifications shall be retained by the employer and shall be made available for review by the jurisdictional authorities and the ASME Survey Team, upon request.


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